Thursday, November 28, 2013

Green Room

By Brewt.Blacklist

November 2013

OH, WHAT do you want with me?

Do you really need to ask?

Don’t even think about that.

Why not?

Because I don’t want you to. Please. Not tonight.

No, I’m going to think about it anyway, whether you like it or not, and whether or not you know, and I am reasonably sure it is going to happen. In fact, on that idea, I’m nothing short of positive. Tonight. And you did ask.


Not tonight, obviously. But earlier. Are you saying you don’t remember?

I take it back.

Too bad.

Can’t we just leave it alone?


God damn it.

Now. How should I have you start?

I really don’t want to do this.

So, then, don’t. You know how.

Fuck you; that’s not going to work.

I know.

I just wish you wouldn’t do it like this.

I’m not doing anything. Not yet, anyway. And let’s face it, it’s not like we haven’t talked about this enough: it’s nothing you don’t want.

That is so totally not true.

Yes, it is. It’s your own fault, you know.

What do you mean?

Well, I gathered you were leaving it up to me as to when. You shouldn’t have told me how. Or what.

You’re right. I shouldn’t have. But god damn it, I did.

For which I, for one, am grateful. Why would you do that?

Do what?

Tell me what you did.

I don’t have a marvelous answer for that.

You couldn’t help yourself, could you?

Don’t gloat; not if you want this sort of thing to continue. It is unbecoming. But I suppose I couldn’t. If that’s what you want to believe.

Not that it matters anyway.

Not at this point. Why?

I don’t know why you…hold on, what? Why what?

Why do you want this?

I’m not sure I have a satisfying answer.

So you really shouldn’t talk about my inability to explain it in myself.

If you want to be that way, sure. All I know is that it matters to what’s between my legs—not to mention what’s between yours—and it gives me a peace a mind unlike any other.

Well, whoop-de-fucking-do for you.

I’m betting it does something for your peace, too.

You’d lose; it keeps me up at night.

You can’t tell me you’re not getting what you need out of this.

I most certainly can, and I most certainly do.

See? You do get what you need. Good girl.

What? Stop that. Quit twisting things. You know what I mean.

Couldn’t resist. Despite your struggles—er, rather maybe because of them—I love it anyway. No matter how hard you resist admitting it.

What do you love?

I love to see you go through this, and go through it for me.


This whole this, end to end. It’s fucking magic.

I sure as shit am not going to do it for anyone else.

So start. Take off your clothes.

This is such a bad idea.

God, how you love to say that. Do you want to say it again?

How did you know? Asshole; this is such a bad idea.

Hurry up.

Okay, okay. What are you going to do?

What it takes to get what I need from you. All the way.

I can act, you know. Maybe we’ll make it a short night.

Yes, you can. I suppose now you’re going to say that you always act, and how you always get away with it, ha ha, the joke’s on me—except it’s not like I can’t tell, you know—and that all that I am is cruel.

Bastard. You are cruel. Heartless. Vicious.

Bitch. Not all the time.

There are days that it feels like it.

I have an idea that this is certainly going to be one of them. It’s part of the deal, you know. Are you afraid?

You have to ask? Of course I am.

Which is part of the charm, part of the spell. I suppose if you ever got to where you weren’t, then I’d have to do something else.

Don’t say that. I shudder to think.

That’s my girl. You say the nicest things, always trying to bolster me up.

Creep. Your obsession with me is not helping. You have got to get past that.

No, I don’t. Do you really want to know what’s going to happen?

Do I have the slightest chance of talking you out of it?

I’ll tell you yes.

Oh, no you don’t. That is not going to get me to beg. God, why do you keep trying to manipulate me? I’m here, aren’t I?

So is that a yes or a no, about the whole wanting to know what’s going to happen thing?

Tell me. It can’t be worse than what I imagine.

And what’s the worst you can imagine?

Now you’re stalling.

Say it. Or it’ll be worse.

Great. What an amazing threat. Just fucking great. Fine. That tonight’s the night you’re going to kill me.

Really? For true? This is what haunts you? I don’t understand that.

Who says fear is rational?

So which idea makes it better? Going in with the understanding that I won’t, or going in with the idea that I might?

Going in there at all is awful enough, never mind the whole god damn mortality issue.

Then are you green-lighting me to murder you?

Please stop trying to manipulate me further. Isn’t what we do enough? Please? God: I don’t want to die. And if I ever do, you’d be the last person I’d ever hand myself over to to do that.

That almost hurts my tender little feelings.

Outstanding. I have an effect on you. Thank fucking god. So are you or aren’t you going to tell me what you’re going to do to me?

Hm? Oh; sure. I think I’d rather you went in there with the idea firmly implanted in your pretty little head that you will in fact survive this.

Oh, what a comfort.

I want you to remain connected to what tomorrow may bring.

Not like it’ll be an improvement.

Nonsense. As soon as you release hope, you’re already dead.

Oh, great. Next you’re going to start quoting the movies I like to me as though they were important.

What? What are you talking about?

Tomorrow is another day? Whatever. All you’ve said is what you’re not going to do, which, gee, thanks. The girl gets to live. Which puts us right back to where we started. What do you want from me?

I want to see you suffer. In a deep way that is nothing less than profound. For me.

This conversation doesn’t count?

Always the comeback.

So you’re going to hurt me.


I don’t suppose it’s going to be something quick, huh.

Not a chance in heaven. I said suffer, not have a pang or a twinge or an ache.

How long?

Until I make an absolute fool of myself and can restrain myself no longer, and I have to fuck you.

How are you going to fuck me?

Do you have a suggestion?

Will you please just fuck my pussy this time? That’s what it’s for, you know.

I don’t think you’d hate that enough. It sends the wrong message about what this is about.

Oh, well, then, if that’s the case, please please please fuck me in the ass. You know how I so very much so love it so. And let me carry on a while about how much I would so thoroughly despise having you throb and twitch and spew your cock in my cunt. Like that’s what it was for; sheesh.

What an exceptional idea. Ass it is.

Oh, shit-fuck me.

Like I say: an excellent plan.

It didn’t matter what I said, did it. It was always going to be my ass.

You got that right.

Wow. Do I ever feel special now. This is going to cost us both, isn’t it.

Yes. Dearly.

We’ll never be able to face any of them again.

True. Maybe. I honestly don’t know.

Is it worth the risk?

You know the answer to that. This is who we are.

God damn it. Will I whimper? Be not just embarrassed but completely mortified to my very core about what you’ll make me do out there?


Will I cry?

Yes. Real tears; none of this fake acting shit.

Crap. Will I scream?

Yes. A lot.

You’re going to make me lose control of myself, and shatter my dignity, aren’t you.

That’s the plan.

Can I go to the bathroom first? Please?

No. if that happens out there, you’ll get to clean it up. You won’t get to use your hands.

God fucking damn it. Do I have to look like I like it? Put on a happy face?

What do you think?


Funny you should use that word.

Stop it. That doesn’t help.

What would? Buckle up, buttercup? Put your big girl panties on?

You’re going to let me wear panties?

Okay, that was not the best choice of imagery I have ever come up with.

What a fucking surprise, Sherlock Einstein.

Insults will get you…well, you know what insults will get you. The answer to your question is no. Why aren’t you naked yet? And for that, you get to crawl in. Oh, stop looking like I just took your pony away, princess.

Motherfucker. Here. Take them.

Gee, guess what they are?

Don’t say it.

Do they need to spend some time in your mouth, to remind you what they’ve been absorbing? Not to mention why they do that?

Do you think I don’t know?

Maybe I’ll take them in with me. Let everyone see for themselves.

You’re going to humiliate me, aren’t you?

Gosh, you’re clair-fucking-voyant.

I suppose you are going to make me cum anyway, regardless of what you do to me, through it all, in front of everybody?

Yes. Like you have to. You’re going to cum like a whore.

Promises, promises. That’s the important part, isn’t it? To show them all what an absolute slut I am?

This isn’t just about showing all of them what wonderfully degradable pliant little creature you are. It’s also about showing them what an absolute monster I am.

I’m terrified.

Of what?

Of all of it. The degradation, the pain, the loss of standing and respect, Jesus.

Is that why you’re pussy’s throbbing right now?

Is that what it’s doing? Can’t you just fuck me now right quick and get it over with and call it a night?

This isn’t just about us; it’s also about them, and who will still stand with us when it’s over.

What if it’s none of them?

Then we go someplace else. Start over, like we’ve talked about. Do you really want to stick around with any of them if they can’t stand us?

Don’t you ask that of me?

Why, can’t you stand me?

There are days. Today might be one of them.

Tell me you love me.

How masterly of you. I love you.

I want you to say it out there. Damn near constantly. And be sincere: I don’t want them to have any question.

Can I at least swear when it gets hard?

No. The only words I want coming out of your mouth, no matter what I demand, no matter what happens, no matter how rough it gets, are “I love you”. I don’t want them leaving saying to each other “how can he do all that to her?”or “how can she let him do all that to her?” I want them leaving saying “Why don’t we do that?”

You live in a dream world. You ask impossible things, you know.

You know that’s not true. Look at us: are we just a fantasy?

Please don’t put it that way. How are you going to do it? How are you going to prove to them how much I love you? Did they even ask?

The whole nine yards. Nettles, needles, whips, paddles, wax. I’ll punch you, slap you in the face; I will hit you everywhere, and I do mean everywhere. You will be heavily bruised for quite some time when this is over. I’m going to tell you to open your mouth a lot, and I am going to put things and stuffs in it that I will expect you to swallow.

Bad things?

Yes. Bad things.

They’re going to hate you, you know.

Yes. Maybe. Some of them for sure. Do you consent?

Of course. What are you going to do if they try to stop you?

I’m going to count on you to convince them that it is alright.

Might be a bit of a challenge when I’m screaming at you to stop, please, please, stop.

No; what did I just say? You don’t get to do that.


And what did I say about swearing?

Fuck. Let me at least get that out of my system.

Tell me you love me.

I fucking love you.

I fucking love you, too. I also love fucking you. Tell me that you love what we do to you.

Is that an order?

What do you think?

God damn it.

Come on. Fess up.

God damn it some more. You’re the only person I can do this with. You’re the only one I’ll let that far into me. As much as I want to keep it a secret, yes. I love what we do. It is a pleasure to suffer for you. I am counting on you to make sure I do it a fucking lot. Christ, it is so damnably hard to admit that.

Yes. Yes, it is. That’s what we’re doing here.

Is that what you want? Did I say the right thing?


That is so god damn fucking awesome. Jesus god damn fucking Christ on a cracker. I can’t believe we’re doing this.

You can still say no.

Quit it. You know I can’t, especially seeing as I cannot pronounce that word to you, let alone mean it.

Can’t, or won’t?

Same difference.

You do love to squawk.

Isn’t that part of it? How we push each other through all this? Shouldn’t we let them see that, too?

Not tonight. We need to see who survives the initial cut.

I’m not sure I will.

Of course you will. You’re the strongest person I know.

Sure as hell doesn’t feel like it. Will you tie me up?

Will that make it easier?

God, yes, please. Tie me tight, gag me. Make it so I don’t have to do anything except lie there and take whatever you can dish out. It would relieve me of so much stress, so much performance anxiety.

But that’s not what they need to see. You’re the one they have to believe in. You have to make them understand that you are not a victim. At least, not an unwilling one.

Spec-fucking-tacular. What if my strength gives out? My resolve?

Then I’ll be in trouble. Serious trouble. Look, if you so much a flicker any kind of non-consent, they won’t even bother asking you and they’ll call the cops and have me arrested for beating the shit out of you and torturing you harder than anything they’ve ever seen, and I guarantee they will go so way far way out of their way to see to it I will never see you again, that they’d rather you did just go right ahead and die before they even let you so much as think about me again. They will never stop watching you—twenty-four-seven-three-sixty-five—for the rest of your life, and they will rain hell down on you if they even so much as consider the possibility that you might in some deep dark night masturbate over anything they don’t completely approve of. Guess how much that would be. They will nullify you. It all pretty much rides on you. You, me, everything.

Nothing like a little pressure, huh.

Nope. Just don’t forget whose idea this really was.

I wish we weren’t like this.

If wishes were fishes. And it’s time. Take my hand.

I thought I was going to crawl in.

You’ll get plenty of time to do that when you kiss everyone’s feet.

Oh, god. What if they don’t want that?

Then you will beg them until they let you.

I’m going to need a bigger vocabulary. I can’t imagine how calling out to you that I love you is going to be the least bit persuasive to someone who doesn’t want their feet kissed by a kneeling naked girl they don’t want to see be like that in the first place.

Sure. Whatever you need to say. Just don’t forget what we want them to see between us.

W-what if they want more? Than me just kissing their feet?

Then you will bless them, and offer them even more than they ask for. Every last one of them.

Up to everything we do?

Up to everything we do.

Is our hospital insurance paid up?

That’s what you’re worried about?

Wait; when are you going to take off your clothes?

I told you: when it’s appropriate. When I can’t help myself.

Are you scared of letting them see you when your cock is as small as it is right now?

Is that helping? Now who’s stalling?

What, you don’t want to let them see it grow as you torture the ever-loving bejesus right on out of me? Really show them what this is all about? Because this isn’t just about me: it’s about you, too. Or are you spooked it might not work this time?

Okay; sure. I’ll call your bluff. Why not? All we have to lose is everything.

Atta boy. See? Cute little thing.

Maybe I’ll start with having you put your tongue in my ass. Let them see what happens when you do that.

That would be so disgraceful.

Yes, it would be. For both of us.

Way to give a girl hope. I really don’t know that I can do this.

I have all the faith in the world in you.

You’re a fool. Can I ask for one thing before we go in?


Can I have a hug?

Of course. I love you.

I really do love you so very, very much, too. I will follow you wherever you may lead, even unto my own destruction.

Right. Don’t be so melodramatic. Or morose. This is supposed to be a happy night.

Yes, sir. Won’t they be surprised?

I’m sure. So, my bride-to-be, let’s go. ‘Nough pussy-footin’ ‘round the elephant in the room. Our families are waiting.


Thursday, October 17, 2013

Line Dance

By Brewt.Blacklist

October 2013

I POKED my head out to see how much further I had to go, and looked back to see how far I’d come. One of the camera crews had just done a fly-by, and I was in the middle of the line that snaked around the space. No man’s land, er, no woman’s land: I was too far from where the organizers were at the door—trying to keep order, laughing, joshing around, thanking people for showing up, making us sign consent forms—and I was still way too far from the objective to start to invoke any kind of implementation onto myself. This was technically the quiet contemplative part of the room, not that it was technically quiet; there was music blaring. Rockabilly. Not my favorite, not by a long shot. Although not unexpected. And talking, er, shouting to the guys around me was unheard of, unthinkable; it was a sure sign that I wasn’t here for the objective, that I was here instead trying to get something going on the side. Which wasn’t going to happen. I wasn’t like that. So I waited, biding my time, swaying on my heels, trying to keep the objective in mind and not dwell on anything else that might pop up in my head.

Not that that worked.

I had gotten the day off from my place of employ to be here, and this was not going to be a story I could probably tell back at the office. At least, not out on the floor. There would, though, be some status and mileage to be gained at the bars on boys’ night out when the tales of bravado would come up to determine who had to pay for the next round, and this was sure to be a cinch for coverage of at least one or two night’s servings of fine adult beverages. It had proved sufficient before. I got up, showered, shit, shaved, and then shaved some more, and had treated myself to some breakfast that morning and got to the place at what I thought to be more than early enough to discover that I was not original in my thinking. The line already extended around the block, and it took more than a couple hours to even get inside and it was cold out there.

Once I was finally through the gates and was all signed up and congratulated and thanked and had enough of the chill worn off to take off my coat—which I had to hold—I gandered around the room, and I was, frankly, bedazzled by it all, just like always. It was all very exciting, and I was here, and here, this time, was a gymnasium, of all places; I marveled at how that got wrangled. Didn’t the owner know what was going to happen here today? It made no sense. Or maybe it did: perhaps the weekend events could have some kind of resonance of what happened here on a Tuesday, and who knows, it might drive ticket sales. Or maybe this sort of thing happened here all the time and there was a waiting list, a list as long as the line I was in. A line that was at least moving. Everything was in motion; there was no actual stillness in here.

Somewhere not even before the middle of the court, nearer the freethrow line on the entrance side, the guy in front of me started jostling around a little. I poked my head around him again, being careful as to how and where I rubbernecked—I didn’t want to see something I didn’t want to see—and sure, we’d made progress toward the objective, but I thought it was still a shade or two too early to initiate things. It would be bad to peak too soon. The help was still a long ways away from us, fluttering about near the head of the line. I wondered if maybe he was just new at this sort of thing when the corner of my eye caught some motion behind me, and that guy was starting in, too.

I gave in, and commenced in on myself as well. When in Rome.

I didn’t seem to have very much to operate with and officially, to the nag of my pride, chalked it up to the weather, but the gospel was, I was having the worst time conjuring up any images that would be of any remedy, despite having researched so many so long and so hard at the house this morning before I left. Maybe that’s what was needed here, something like, uh, refreshments. TVs playing the good stuff, if for no other reason than to benefit the old veterans who had drug themselves out into the cold just to be here. Set the mood. Of course, I could understand the objective not wanting that. It raised the question as to just who we were all doing this for, ourselves or what’s on TV because god forbid, it should not be about the objective.

We forged ahead, and I had some small flourishing with myself, and began to run through things in my head, things I could never so much as confess to considering let alone condoning or admitting that I went out of my way to acquire images of and movies of and stories of and descriptions of, things that traditionally that brought about the, uh, required output, but as I dipped into even them as a measure of last resort since nothing else was succeeding, and for reasons I could not begin to fathom, I had trouble committing, even to them, and not very much happened. Something must have been bothering me. Something wasn’t right, and I couldn’t put my hand to what. Maybe it was something about the veritable army of men, here to serve the objective. Maybe it was the smell. Who knows. We trudged forth.

I lost track of a little time—woolgathering—and suddenly the help approached and asked the guy right in front of me how he was doing, casting her gaze down and then she patted him on the side of the cheek, confirming that he was doing just fine, honey, just fine.

Then the moment I had been dreading since I walked in here happened, that I didn’t even know I had so much as considered as being a dilemma, and I was greeted amicably by the help, and asked if I needed any assistance. I shook my head and stared down and to the right as I was required to do by whatever it is that men have been so steeped in that struggles so hard to preserve our honor, but this was a professional I was dealing with, and she inspected my rather foolish attempt to defend my modesty and perhaps my dignity and she rolled her eyes up like she had been waiting for me and she smiled at me and she knelt down anyway and situated herself to where she could do some good and gently nudged my fingers out of her way.

I gawked around and saw another man getting some support. And another. And another. I was not alone. There were lots of women playing the part of the help today and I risked a hope that maybe this wasn’t so bad and all was still going to be accomplished. I exhaled and put my wrists on my hips and tipped my head down to watch.

She assisted me.

I had never partaken in the benefits of the help before; I was amazed that it hadn’t occurred to me as being such a good thing, and I felt like a foolish genius who had just been shown the light that was right there right in front of him the whole time. Part of me wanted to point out how stupid everyone else was who didn’t imbibe and part of me wanted to congratulate everyone else on not needing this so I could keep it all to myself and think about baseball and math and mom to extend this operation on indefinitely. I had to pant a little.

Normally, this would be just the sort of thing that would get me into a position to do some good, and I could usually ignore the protestations of the women I asked it of in the past however well-mannered and good-intended and simply lose myself for a little while before they would give up as having done as much as they could stand and that had better be enough and we would move on to something else. But I was apparently not feeling very normal that day, and nothing that was supposed to happen happened and my mouth and my lips went dry and moved into odd formations and did things I did not approve of. The help was, in fact, performing proper due diligence and I was extraordinarily grateful despite the scowls that besieged my countenance—that she didn’t seem to notice—and she even stayed with me as the line advanced. It was so clumsy to try to take a step forward with a woman doing this-this…thing. That should maybe be something that could be endeavored on in gym class in school, to try to develop a more graceful way to walk onward with a woman kneeling or bent over or something before the man as she did what was necessary for him to get him to where he could meet expectations. If an appropriate dance-like move could be developed, this could be maneuvered into parades, with precision marching and turns and twirls while the man and the woman remained in an arrangement of proximity that really had only one interpretation. Someone should get a handle on that. It would be entertaining, to say the least.

We took another unwieldy step, and I gaped around again to see that at this point I was the only one being tended to. It made me fairly self-conscious, and that did nothing for my courage or my self-worth or my confidence that I could even do this and I began to question what I was even doing here. All the other guys I had been standing with were starting to shuffle up and huddle around the objective, and I still was not of any earthly use. The help tipped her beatific face up toward me, and I swear, it appeared that she admired me, and she pulled herself to her feet, running her palms up my sides, reaching up and whispering in my ear that we could go over there and get out of the way until I was ready, and I hung my head and she held my arm, c’mon, it’s okay, as I stepped out of line and let her take me over to lean me up on the sidelines where she would take another swing at me. This was not how I had foretold this day going when I got up this morning, nor when I went to bed last night; neither was it anything like any of the other moments of preparations for glory I had convinced myself were absolutely going to happen here today over the last few weeks of anticipatory trances. It was all supposed to proceed as it had before. This wasn’t my first rodeo. I was dizzy with being simultaneously ashamed and enthralled.

She guided me against a table so I could stabilize myself and the room stopped spinning. She ran her fingernails over my chest and assured me this happened all the time before she descended once again into a stance that conveyed an representation of subservience that was in fact a lie about just who was actually in charge here but reflected the appearances of the pecking order of our society and hinted at consents of things men could expect from women under the right circumstances—and this locale on this day with these people, of all population groups and times and places, was indeed the right circumstance, if ever-oh-ever it existed—and normally I liked seeing that, in pictures and movies and reading about it in stories, and I especially liked it from up here, from where I could convince myself of an elevated socialized location, of some kind of command structure that I was at the pinnacle of, and she prepared to consummate her performance and revealed a fealty and reverence up toward me as she was about to recommence on her operation and asked if there was anything she could do, if I needed something, uh, special, and my lips quivered as I asked, as politely as I knew how, if I could see some more of her, which was only the tip of the iceberg of what I really wanted from a woman and she said but of course and went about doing what I asked until I nodded my head, and she redirected her focus back in on her specialty, her skill, her craft. Her assignment.

She was magnificent. Gorgeous. Ravishing. I closed off my sight to all the hustle and bustle in the room, I shut out all the racket, I put blinders on to everything except the outstanding example of God’s handiwork I had before me and how she exerted herself toward my needs and she set in to earn her designation, her cognomen, her title. I relished her ministrations which continued for naught and my thoughts wandered around as they so often so disobediently do. I had never understood why the help was dressed at these soirées. I supposed it went back to the questions about just who it was we were all here for: ourselves, the help, or the objective.

I glanced up toward the objective, and heard the roar of the guys I had been standing in line with as they achieved their roles—somebody over there was worth some kind of attention, and the camera crew seemed very excited—and honestly, I found all that to be of no use whatsoever toward my goals, but the objective made some sounds, the right harmonious noises, and that did. Perhaps it was another kind of enthusiasm that had earned the camera crew’s focus. It got mine. The help seemed to be more aware of what was going on around us than I did and she picked up on what had caused the reaction in me and re-attacked her task with renewed vigor, initializing her own relevant modulations in tone and pitch, recapturing my attention, and maybe that was what had been missing. The exhibitions and cacophonies of men going through the motions never seemed to do the right things for me; I always had more vested interests and responses to the pageants and musics of women in the process.

And as my thought streams began to curtail their meanderings, it occurred to me that maybe that’s what was really needed here. If the objective is, in fact, the objective, then that’s what they could put on the TVs here: the objective engaged in and discharging the act and enjoying it. That would keep the rallying all going in the right directions, and perhaps realize a smidgen of lift to those of us old-timers who might need such a thing and serve as a reminder as to what it is we are all here for.

I had a purpose here, and it called to me.

I rejoiced at what could only be termed an opportune response in myself at the help’s efforts and praised whatever it was I could thank for this turnabout of the undertaking at hand, that the help was getting something to happen, that I was making progress, and she continued with the glorious intonations and the precious cast on her angelic features that conveyed how much she adored her practice, and the continued favorable treatments she lavished onto me, which comforted me even more. Even if it was an illusion, even if she didn’t know me from Adam and she had no authentic care or consideration for me as a man or a lover or a human being, it wasn’t a concern. What mattered here was her calling to the objective, and she was going to get things to happen toward that, regardless of what it took—I was in awe of her dedication—and if it meant expressing a personalized depiction of acceptance toward one of the poor slobs in the line, then, by god, that was what she was going to do, and for a moment, despite all the most obvious of evidences happening all around me about how insignificant I was to the whole course of action here and how I myself was of no real consequence and maybe I shouldn’t even be here, I could disavow all that and maybe begin to make the connection that perhaps in some small way I had magnitude here, that maybe it really was somehow about me, and I fell into my dreams and my fantasies and I could envision the help repeating this again for me later, when it could be just her and I and not all these other people, and maybe, just maybe, she could be the objective and I could imagine that she liked that, that she maybe liked me, and I let myself go right ahead and believe that she wanted me, me, over everyone that was in here, and my mind drifted off with a ridiculous optimism as it so often does toward inappropriate ideas about what one can and cannot do with a woman and the faith that there were in fact and truth and reality some women out there that wanted those sorts of things to happen to them, and how long and so very hard I had been looking for such a woman and maybe she was one, could it be, and my strength returned and she continued her service towards me, towards my needs on beyond obligation, on beyond reason into the irrational areas where I was the objective, and it was me that the throng was here for, except I would not have men here, I would have women, lots of women, and they would all be functioning for me, enacting reveries and fancies and atrocities and the heinous things that are forbidden to do to a woman that lead inevitably to them voicing their reactions and opinions about the sheer evils of that sort of thing, not with words or pleasant rational polite conversations that would be laced with negativity and accusations and insistences for condemnations for such abominations but with voicings that one can only make under certain circumstances, rather extreme insane conditions when language itself fails and the woman’s very neurology forces something out that normally expresses ache and affliction and perhaps even so far as an agony that mimics hate, but among a rare few is at the same time interwoven with a compulsion and affection and with lust and with urges for deference and capitulation and assent to the will of a man who would inflict such horrors on a woman for his own hideous uses towards the vibrations he could induce into her that she would reflect back to him in a feedback loop of urgency and passion and allegiance that swore from their onset to devour them both in longing and ecstasy and loyalty which we all must disavow during the day in front of others, and it was my absorption with that kind of devotion to such terrifying satisfactions that are prohibited in public that persist in coming to me at night all night every night unbidden when I am alone and the abyss howls, and its song wakes me from my sleep to make me have to do something about it all to myself, god damn it all, exactly who is in charge here, and the crisis began to rear its ugly little head on me and I could see it from here like I do in my bed at home and I loved it and I hated it at the same time, and I was reminded that there were times I cannot stand this about myself and the women I know cannot bear it either, and she, the woman, the one who was here in this room with just me, persevering with me through my little problems and perversities and obscenities started to make the resonances that normally express distress and discomfort that come about when a man has encroached his way too far with a woman, and she demonstrated her strength and resolve and she endured and she held herself there and she did it for me and I didn’t care if she had ever done this before, she had to have done this before to have this kind of control, that was fine with me, it was outstanding, I was astonished, and she let her own reactions that she couldn’t keep from happening happen to her and she did it for me and she did not use that as an excuse to stop, no, she carried it on out further, for me, she demonstrated her willingness to let me feel what happened to her when what happened to her happened when a man went too far with her where she breathed and what happened when she couldn’t and I felt it and it was magic and I was filled with wonder and you just stay right there, honey, I cannot tell you how amazing that feels, the power, the sensation, my god, the power, and I didn’t care who saw, I didn’t care about anything else in the whole wide world, and no one had ever done that for me before and she submitted to my unholy desires and it was beautiful and it was acceptable and it was what she was there for and it was alright, you just go right ahead, sir, you’re almost there, you’re almost there, and I nearly failed the objective, I almost went too far with the help and I gasped for my own breath.

The help understood me better than I understood myself and she stopped what she was doing and finished her chore just in time to spare me yet another embarrassment and stood and put her arms around me to lead me back toward the objective. I was in a daze. As I came down from whatever heaven she had thrust me into, I wanted to tell her not to ever leave me and the building fell back in around me and she let go of my shoulders, she ripped me in two as she did and I experienced loss, true loss, don’t go, don’t abandon me, I have to, and as she was about to relinquish me to the objective, having done what she came here to do with me and having genuinely done it so very, very well, I asked her her name with the lame excuse that I could extend my compliments to the people who care about these things and she tipped her head to the side with an expression that said I just had to be kidding, right, but she patted my stubble and she said I was sweet and to have fun and she let me off at the circle and made her way back up the line, reassembling herself back towards presentable, searching for someone else she could be of aid to. She ducked into the horde and vanished.

I turned my head back, and peered down into the middle of the group of men that surrounded the objective, and I remained to finish what the help had begun, and I executed my commission.

I couldn’t think about the objective at all, or even be bothered to notice it, and I closed my eyes and made up stories and visions and delusions of the help and I instead. My face, I know, was blissful and at peace. I awoke in time to see myself expend myself. The objective never even noticed me and did not even acknowledge I was even there. I did what I came here for, and was immediately pulled away by another someone—I didn’t even see who it was—and I left. I looked back once to try to see the help one last time to no avail.

At the exit, I tried to speak to one of the other people involved with the affair about how good the help was, especially one pretty one in particular, and was assured that everyone said that, and no, you can’t meet her, and no, you can’t wait for her, now go on, get out of here.

One of the fellas at the old watering hole that evening mentioned a rumor about what he had heard happened at the big venue in town that day. After all the wolf whistles and profanity died down, and a few ribald jokes were guffawed at, and the waitress had come back to check on us and got to suffer some more through being leered at for trying to do the only job she could get that didn’t involve her spreading her legs, all eyes fell onto me as I had bragged about having participated in such fêtes in days gone by. I feigned ignorance and bought a round. The waitress surprised me when by saying yes when I asked her out after everyone else had gone home, and I was a gentleman towards her, which was not what she was looking for. I remarked on what a coincidence that was, that that wasn’t exactly what I was interested in, either. It took us a while to find our way through that, and we were really good for each other for a few months. We’ve been on-again off-again ever since. There’s still a lot we’re figuring out about each other, including some things we’re not allowed to bring up among the more civilized decent folk we both end up having to grindstone our days with. We’re still developing, and when we conquer, er, when she is conquered, she is happy to make the most captivating sonorities under the most impermissible of conditions.

When the show came out about what had happened there that day, I, of course, bought it and took it to my once-again-empty home—my girlfriend was mad about me about something or other—and I watched it twice and did not see myself in it. There were a lot of people involved; the mob seemed endless. The objective carried on about how great it was that everyone came out, and expressed gratitude to all who participated and how important this was and how history was being made and frankly, the whole thing was dull and off-putting and I totally didn’t care about the objective, and it was the last such episode I attended in person.

But there were glimpses and shots of the help and even of one pretty one in particular as she warmed up some of the other men there—the footage of what happened between her and I had managed to land on the cutting room floor; those precious unseen moments make this my favorite piece of my collection—and even to this day, when I all-too-often have the place to myself, I continue to observe my duty to her and my memories of her and the fleeting images I have of her regularly. I never saw her again, certainly not in reality, and not in any other recordings, either, and over the years, I quit looking for her. She’s gone. I’m afraid I must concede, though, that I do embellish my recollections of her a little, depending on my mood, not to mention what the night brings when it bothers to wake me with the promises of echoes that I am not allowed to hear during the day, despite my best efforts to be washed over by them regularly at other times, and all the cooperation I am given along those lines, when I once again am plagued with the reactions that I have and take on the burdens that I do that I cannot seem to put an end to at home in bed alone in the dark.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


By Brewt.Blacklist

July 2013

THE ILLUSION is that maybe, just maybe, we are possibly not really all alone. It is a lie, of course, but it’s one we desperately want to buy into, and we will, sooner or later, pay anything and everything for any kind of respite from the cold harsh realities that we are, in fact, a singularity.

The promise of religion is that there is, according to the stories, something else out there besides ourselves. Something huge and mighty and scary and absolutely terrifying and that is somehow supposed to give us some kind of comfort, the hope that the biggest baddest most powerful thing in the universe is actually intimately interested in us on a personal level. Us as individuals. That we are somehow valued. Just us and the…whatever it is.

And our sensorum relentlessly reports to us, however badly, that there are other beings around us, beings with whom there is some kind of miracle happening between ourselves and them because we can both point to something and agree on a word about it or for it or whatever, and another thing or two can come along and we can usually come to another agreement of sorts, and communication is born and no matter how swimmingly well it appears to go at first, it eventually all goes disastrously bad, as there are things to disagree about and argue our brains out over and fight and go to war over because there is always something that happens to be some kind of difference we just cannot fathom or understand or even begin to comprehend and no, we cannot work our way around this and why can’t they just see it our way, and no, no, no, not gonna see it their way, that’s stupid, and where are the launch codes. The art of communication, the art of love, the art of war, are all the same book.

Take this woman, for example. No matter that she came here of her own accord and agreed well in advance through extensive correspondence that this was all a very good idea that she was totally on board with—yes, of course I’ll be there, don’t worry—this woman has evidently changed her mind about things in ways, given all the upfront assurances, that have ended up as being fairly unpredictable and unexpected, and she is blathering on rather relentlessly about how she has made a mistake and this isn’t what she wanted and it hurts, please stop, please stop, please stop.

Not like that is going to happen. Not anytime soon, anyway. The ropes that have been so inefficiently and intricately—not to mention cooperatively—tied off between her and the bed make it quite impossible for her to simply stand up and walk away on her own, and there is no quick way out of all this, and so she is stuck in a time and a place and a situation that is for some reason not turning out quite as she planned or had hoped or had dreamed or whatever it was that she went through to get herself here in the first place, and her lot is now to wait, and she seems to be unhappy about that. Her imagination, no doubt, had gotten away from her, what with all the promising to herself that this would somehow be romantic and magical and orgasmic and a positive affirmation of her own quest to not be so alone and how can this have gone so unpredictably unbelievably unexpectedly wrong, please, I believed you, you said, you said, you said. It’s puzzling, to say the least. Lord know what she thought was going to happen here.

She lies there squirming and writhing and moaning her discomforts—the ropes are, after all, there to provide a restraint that she had assured in long impassioned tomes that there is a comfort in being so held, and so please, yes, do apply them, the ropes, I like them—and her discourse turns in a direction that is completely opposite to how she appeared and presented herself outside of here and she rambles on for such a lengthy stretch of time, so full of appeals to humanity and pity and mercy, that it is almost inevitable that before too much longer the promises would begin. And sure enough. The usual oaths to be good, to not cause trouble, to just walk away and she’ll forget all about it, she swears, which, upon a decided lack of desired response, get elevated to promises of other things, things like money, or wouldn’t you like to do this to someone else, and how she knows someone else who would be better than her, much better, more complicit, and how she would even go so far as to help get to this other person and bring said other person back here and how she would even help tie this third party into strictures that are even more extreme than the ones the woman herself is now suffering with, and it will be good, you’ll like it, I promise, oh, please, this hurts so much, please let me go, what do you want, I’ll do anything. I’ll do anything you want; just let me go.

Wherein lies the rub. Because this so-called “anything” can already be done to her now, and that little fact somehow seems to have escaped her attention, or perhaps she’s trying to divert attention from it, thinking that because she wants out of her predicament so intently that maybe she can suddenly, by an undisclosed superpower, convince anyone of anything, especially herself of her own powers of persuasion, even of the idea that the reality she is in fact in isn’t real at all, and she can somehow make it real—more real, actually real, even realer, whatever—and make it even better when an exchange occurs, an exchange in which she is granted an ever-shrinking relief, please, just a little, and she will then once again be on board with the idea of what she came here for in the first place, just please just don’t hurt me, it’s all I ask.

She is not in a position to negotiate, but that does not seem to have any bearing on her seemingly endless attempts to do just that. Perhaps it has something to do with her own sense of being alone, alone with something that is bigger and badder and more powerful than she is at the moment, and she is hoping and praying and maybe just trying to convince herself more than anyone else that this huge and mighty and scary thing in fact has some kind of interest in her as an individual, something personal, that maybe she has some kind of value here, a value that would somehow save her from her worst nightmares that are wallflowering their way around the room, watching her, leering in at her, waiting for the right opportunity to materialize.

Cold harsh realities crash in on her as her clothes are not simply or gently or efficiently cut from her body, from around the ropes, but they are pulled and torn and ripped and shredded away with a raw steel blade that ruins what she came here wearing, rendering the cloth useless for the purposes it had before she came here, before she laid herself down on the bed and stretched her arms and legs by her own free will toward the corners to aide and cooperate in her own getting bound by the ropes and all that went along with that, oh god, yes, I like this.

It’s all somehow different now.

The begging sets in in earnest, please, no, don’t hurt me, and the offers of freedom are made, freedom with her body, freedom with her sex and her mouth and her hands and and and her a-ass, and she’s never done that, not with anyone, but she would do that, she would do that right here and right now, tonight, of her own free will, if she could only be released, set free, please stop, please stop, please stop. Tears, actual real genuine tears form at her eyes and roll down to the bed, big ones, and her lips tremble and quiver and babble on about how she would do anything, anything at all.

Again with the promises.

Some of the textile left over from her clothing is repurposed and given a new life and some of it is tied around her head, to cover her eyes, which panics her even further, oh, dear god, what are you going to do, no, no, no, no, and she struggles however vainly against the ropes and voices her displeasure at this new turn, at being blinded, oh god no, you’re going to do something terrible, please, I’m begging you and she carries on like that for a while until she makes the threat, the last threat she can make, the one bit of power she has left and she throws it out there. It’s all she has left.

She says she’ll scream.

There is a silence in the room as more of the worthless fabric gets quietly wadded up until the ball of it is large enough to solve that problem, and it gets forced into her mouth, and she makes good on her promise: she screams. She arches her back and throws her head back toward the headboard she cannot see and she bumps into it hard and it hurts and she strains against the ropes with all of her might and she screams, she screams into the gag of her own panties, panties that have turned inside out so the part that had been rubbing up against her own sex the whole day before she got here is now face down on her tongue and she is overwhelmed by the taste and the smell of all the arousal she has been working herself up with all day long and the day before and who knows how long before that and that is all that is in her mouth along with her lips and her teeth and her tongue, but not her breath, now she has to breathe through her nose, and the taste and the smell of herself absorbs her noise along with the petty piece of torn and ripped and shredded cloth, it stoppers up her scream and it is not quiet in the room but it is quiet enough to remove the threat of disturbance because someone might hear and knock on the door and disrupt what is going on in here tonight, and is everyone alright, go away, what are you doing.

Even more strips of clothes get torn and are used to secure the gag, to secure her panties into her mouth, and she struggles and her fingers wiggle and she makes what noise she can and she thrashes about as far as she is able until she exhausts herself, slowing down with her exertions; her chest palpitates and makes her breasts wiggle enticingly, with interesting waveforms crossing her flesh, communicating a message she does not intend, look at me, look at me, look at me. Her blindfold wettens, her gag dries out her mouth, she moans through her nose. Her motions and her struggles slow as she resigns herself to the horrors of her fate, to the terrors she can dream up in her darkness and her restraint that all begin to form and solidify around her; her fears and her panics never ease up. It looks for all the world like she believes she has foolishly fallen into a trap and that for all she knows, she is going to die here. Alone. In the dark. At the hands of the worst monsters she can imagine. How can she have been so stupid.

The weapon that had so savagely dissected her clothing has a new purpose, one that is more terrifying and it’s frigid metallurgy draws heat from her skin, which at first stills her completely, then renews her vigor and battle for freedom, for redemption and she so vainly reacquaints herself with how strong the ropes are, as the ripper’s flat side and the back of the point draw lines around on her flesh, over common and then intimate ground, alternating her response between a desperate freezing in the hopes that she not disturb the sharp side, the edge, and cause her to inflict some of the horrors she dreads so deeply upon herself, and a vain laborious attempt to shake loose the knotting and wear down the mechanics of the bindings she had assured her correspondent were of interest to her—what was she thinking—and part of a fantasy structure that she carried with her in secret everywhere she went, please, I want you to do this to me, that are now holding her to her fate as she strives in a desperate attempt at a worthless escape, please, please, please, let me go.

She is left in the room on the bed for a short moment, in which her sense and abilities of predicting the future get robbed and all she can do is live in the moment, the moment of being alone in the quiet of the room with her prayers to a god that doesn’t seem to be listening at the moment, which is followed by the moment when she is no longer alone and the room loses a little bit of the quiet it had due to her renewed efforts at negotiation at the top of her lungs around underwear tied into her mouth that is not understood—a failure to communicate happens—and the true moment of panic and fear and pain and stress and reality are being ripped away from her as another blade is drawn down upon her, one she is convinced is slicing her open, dear god, it’s the sharp side, cutting her, burning right through and tearing her skin asunder as the pain is excruciating and she can feel herself bleeding, she is ruined, her breasts, her stomach, her neck are all torn open, and she can no longer pronounce the words but she she she knows, it is apparent she knows she is going to die and she is afraid of that, she is afraid of the hurting, she is afraid that it might only be darkness afterwards no matter what the stories said and she keens and she howls and she sobs and she despairs.

Her body is entered where women are to be entered; she is dying, she is defiled, she is in a wretched darkness. All is agony, all is lost. She is filled and she is alone. Worthless.

And yet she does not die. She does not die for she is not cut and she does not bleed. The second tool had been in a freezer and the blood she convinced herself of that was flowing so copiously away from her, taking her life with it was simply some warm water trickled along where the frozen butter knife had traced. The sensory illusion is convincing and it is absolutely believed until the blindfold comes off and she is astonished to discover herself intact, alright, not disemboweled at all, and how can she have been so stupid, and she cries again but for a different reason, and when the gag comes out of her mouth she expresses her relief and eagerly accepts being kissed and the invasion of lips and teeth and a tongue and she responds in kind, and when she is entered again between her widespread tied-off legs, her back arches and she strains against the ropes and she throws her head back and bumps her head against the headboard hard and it hurts, it hurts so good, and she feeds back the signal that it is alright and she behaves as though she likes this and she accepts and meets with the intrusion the way one would want a woman to reciprocate when she is so entered, her body concurs and she wettens between her legs, and she moves as best against the bindings as she can in accordance with the entering, and the withdrawing, and the entering, and the withdrawing, until her fingers clench up into fists and she makes a noise, a lot of noise, the kind of noise that can only mean one thing and it is an attractive sound, the kind of sound that might bring someone to come to the door to see if she is alright, what are you doing in there, go away, and she cries out a different cry, one of a joy and a rapture, a rejoicing at being alive and not alone, at being here with someone, someone she had found she really could trust with her secrets, what was she thinking otherwise, and she can finally have the ecstasy she had been craving so hard for so long, the jubilance of being ravished and being fucked while tied to a bed in a hotel with someone she really did, as it turns out, know very well, swimmingly well, as was the plan all along, you scared me, and she laughs and her laugh is magical, and she is happy, god, yes, happy, and I’ll do anything for you, anything at all, and that is her superpower, and where are the launch codes.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Either Way

By Brewt.Blacklist

May 2013

THERE’S NO right way through this. The degradations and the ridicules are going to come no matter what, with pretty much no possibility of any mercy from anybody. Which is, of course, part of the point.

Holding my head high as I walk through the door won’t make any difference. Neither would the last deep breath of the polluted air outside. I’m already late, I can’t put this off any longer, and calling in sick simply means that I will have to put it off until tomorrow, or the day after, or the day after that. There’s no way out of this. My courage will not be enough. I will be slouching and defeated in seconds and will remain that way for the rest of the day, and there is but one way through it: to bite my tongue and endure.

I am alone in the lobby for a moment, and my eyes stray toward the full-wall mirror that holds nothing but my own reflection, and I have to concede that my appearance will not help matters today, and the desperate calls for consolation about inner beauty have no echo, no reply, no feedback whatsoever, for I am, in many ways, lacking in that area as well. The Furies have no end of say on that front.

Skin is never perfect, and mine is no exception. Moles, scars, blemishes, discolorations, I have no shortage of mars. Underlying tissue is less than cooperative as well—fat in all the wrong places, muscle tone long resistant to being in any of the right ones, bad posture, no shortage of flaw—not to mention years, nay, decades of wrong living taking its toll. And do not get me started on the failures of character. I am as ugly as I expect I could be, both inside and out, and I am about to get exactly what I deserve.

Some people shave when this happens, some people don’t, all in a vain attempt to stave off at least some of the reprehensible vindictives that come with this. Nothing would, in fact do that, the result of any choice would only change the nature of the assaults, and it ultimately came down to how I wanted to be seen. I had considered it long and hard. Human body hair is never right. On the one hand, the vanity of becoming a hairless one says “look at me trying to be pretty” and the vanity of leaving the hairs the way the gods planted them says “see, this is how I am, you have to accept me”; both fools think they are not going to succeed in not even risking the offense of those who look merely to deride for their own petty little thrills, a.k.a., the whyfor of all this. My own arrogance knows all about that. As I always, do, I considered a middle ground as being laughably more desirable and I settled for a trim, making the worst of the hair shorter with a lopping of strays, but not so short as to appear shallow for a man my age, which was also not going to spare me anything. There simply isn’t any correct course of action; there will be contempt despite all possible tact taken.

I will be feasted upon, as I have feasted.

The hyperborean air conditioning attacks in a way it hadn’t ever before, setting me up for the first round of defilements. The lack of the usual insulation initiates a retreat and a contraction that is noticed and commented upon as the first set of eyes for the day lock on, inducing the expected initial reaction of wanting to cower to myself. It is all I can do to keep my hands to my sides. Trying to hide at this point is more disreputable than not, although either way still leads to being held as the same kind of unworthy. Not to mention the possibility of force being used; getting choice taken away from me does have its own appeal. I could retreat into the solace of compulsion, which, though offering a slightly more endurable uncomfortable refuge for today—it's not my fault (even though it is)—would merely extend the dishonor in a way that has all the undertones of weakness, and that would haunt, possibly forever. The question is how do I want to live with myself.

The sneer of disgust before me is familiar; I, myself, have been in possession of it, and any expectation of anything different gets combated with a concession to the violation, a further diminution of pride, a giving up of one last vestige of denial that this really is happening, even though in some ways, the last silver lining it represents is the only relief possible, however minute it verifiably is: I’m not thought of that way by this guy, and his disdain belays my fears of not knowing how to handle that kind of attraction from a man. It’s a prejudice of my own, for sure, and all my big talk of condoning and advocacy and acceptance of different loving has a back-ring of “as long as it isn’t me” and I am a hypocrite. I don’t have to contend with even a possibility of an attraction there, and that is just not something I have to deal with right off the bat and I am scrambling to find some small comfort, no matter how convoluted I have to twist my thinking to come up with it. The rationalization makes me grateful and I take it, even if it is contrived and artificial, a mere shadow in this hard core reality.

To my shame, as if I don’t have enough.

Once the initial fleecing is over and this panotii moves on to even more fertile ground elsewhere, I have to walk down the hall, passing the glassed-in conference rooms. The meeting, predictably, stops, and everyone turns and stares as I make my way on by. I lower my head—that didn't take long—and try to flatten my lips into an expression that is neither a smile nor a frown. My tongue attempts to wet my lips once or twice, and I regret it. That can be seen as wrong, too: anticipatory, sarcastic, parsimonious, it doesn’t matter what I do or don’t do. Fault will be found. I don’t look in toward anyone, but the corner of my eye catches the hand motions to the mouths of the tittering Sirens, those who, in their own efforts to be pitifully gentle and save their own faces from being seen as being anything but cruel, make me pay in yet another way.

As I pass my boss’s office, he lumbers his bullish keeper of oaths away from his game of solitaire on the screen and looks out. My eyes, but not my head, roll toward him to see what he would do, and he shakes his own colossal beard and goes back to whatever it is he does all day, which I have understood does include surfing for porn. I could probably at least count on not getting called into his company for any thunder today, which has its own mercy, however tiny.

There weren’t a lot of people in the back cubicles, and I manage to get to my own desk without looking at anyone. Whatever conversation was happening amongst the Harpies over the walls dies as I walk in to my own island; it was obvious that there was a problem in the room, and that I was it. I sit down, and slide as much of myself underneath my desktop as I could to, admittedly, hide.

The computer stares at me and doesn’t see, and I am grateful for the blind anonymity offered by inanimate objects. Not that I could bring myself to look at anything it had to show me. It's oracular skill is wasted on me.

“Knock knock.”

Shit. “Yeah?”

“Can I come in?”

Like I could stop her. There isn’t exactly an “in” or an “out” to my desk. I tip my head back, not quite far enough to show her my face. Or anything else. “Sure.” I swallow around the fish bone in my throat. This was the interaction I dreaded the most, the one I was actually afraid to have to deal with here today. There was no way I could prepare for this: the one person I had no desire on earth to see was simultaneously the only person I genuinely wanted to see.

“Are you okay?”

“I will be; thanks.”

The woman I like at this shithole job, the one I in truth go out of my way to smile to, who goes out of her way to smile back, comes into what she had asked permission to encroach: personal space. She puts her hand on my shoulder, and nudges me to turn my chair.

Normally, I can’t wait for her to do this, to have the few seconds we get during the day to flirt, and my usual response is to beam at her, and she glows right back, and it is the only thing in here that is remotely tolerable. She’s absolutely the only reason I stay at this dive. Which is nothing short of insane.

She is as bright as she always is, and the endless social conditioning that I have undergone reports to me that I am being accepted and liked by this person and tries to kick in and spin up the more-than appropriate response that the feeling is mutual, and and and it simply cannot find its way to the surface. Not today. The expression I can feel on my face is the one that I get when I see her get in her car and go home to her husband, the person she is destined to spend her time away from here with—not me—and the only way I can describe how it must look is the way I know that it feels. There is a sadness I cannot keep off my cheekbones, and I can’t hide it from her any more than I can hide anything else. I am forlorn, I am despondent, I am destitute of hope that she will but also partake in the day’s activities along with everyone else. I don’t even bother to put my hands in the way, to hide my insolence. There’s simply no point. I mourn toward her, and pray she doesn’t reflect back how pitiful I must appear.

My chair turns toward her in its autonomic response, my head dips off to the side like it has too, and my eyes tumble down the paneling until I can’t see her any more. I can’t help that, and some part of me calls for prayer.

“Forgive me; I have to know.” My angel speaks, no, sings and my head does something without my consent, my permission, and I can hardly even feel it when it happens, and it stupidly grants her sanction. Anything you want, my friend. Be merciful, be quick in the tearing, the renting. We can pick up from there.

Her hand snakes down off my shoulder and across my chest, down my stomach, slowly, gently, and I don’t try to stop her, and she keeps moving toward impiety and corruption, and I will not resist the hemlock.

I cannot breathe, I cannot blink, I cannot move. I am stone. Or so I think.

I look forward in our conversations to the split seconds of her touch on my person that come and go at any given moment with an anticipation that makes the happenstances of that under normal circumstances feel tectonic. Slow to come, irresistible, they are a force of nature like no other. The slightest of reassurances that a physical connection with another human being—particularly this one—affords those of us—like myself—who need it more than others sparkle with nothing less than thunderbolt strikes when they happen. I, being among the unlucky few who crave and are summarily denied this simplest communion among humans, am sustained when the slightest graze happens, when it’s from her, when it’s from my friend, through the longest droughts, even at the infrequency that it does with her, from my friend, my friend who occasionally grants this one wish and does so happily for reasons that are nothing short of uncanny to me. There’s so much I absorb off her in those instants that come when she casually brushes up against me, or deliberately offers the holy of holies of deliberate physical contact with another of my species, with me, that it is enough for me to simulate what it would be like to make love to her, in my moments alone in the dark at home when I languish and long and dream and masturbate. I make titanic mountains out of fractions of time, and they move.

But this determination she has to know how I truly feel about her, to ask the one part of me that can answer exactly one question, and in that one narrow contemplation it cannot lie or be bothered with manners or social pressures of conformity, is overwhelming me and delighting me and terrifying me and paralyzing me and sending ecstatic shivers all over my body, radiating off where her hand is like an electrical field irradiating all the way through me, front to back, taking cancer out with it, burning me through and through, washing me, purifying me, paring me down to the one thing I know that I feel that I'm not supposed to, and when she finally has almost made it to my core, when she at last has her hand so close to where I have so long dreamed of having her hand, her mouth, her sex, her body, where I have so long mythologized the idea of having her here, having her being as happy as I want her to be at being with me as she always is, every day, having her here with me as naked as I am now, I cannot even begin to fight or suppress or keep what was about to happen from happening.

My cock leaps into her hand, and is pulsing and throbbing, doing everything a cock can do to get a woman’s attention as it tries so desperately to change size, to change shape, to become something that could be useful to a woman—please, dear, god, please, let it be her of all women—to being something that a woman can accept into her, into her body, so we can do the thing that men and women are supposed to do with each other, so that we can be together and put our arms around each other and kiss each other, for the few precious moments we can in reality make contact with each other, when we can love each other and make love to each other and come together and find our ways towards the vaults of heaven together, now and forever, praise god, amen.

Please, lord, let me know her, let me go in unto her, let us celebrate the Erotes, let us fuck.

Her fingers wrap slowly, carefully, gently around my sex, and my damnable need to breathe forces the artificially cold air into my lungs as I feel her touch curl and enclose me as her thumb traverses across and around my circumcision—the small cut my parents thought would make me more attractive to a woman, make it more likely to get a woman’s mouth to open for me and the fact lot of good that has done save the continual dashing of anticipation there, thanks so much, mom, dad—my head, my glans, my tip of my penis, she is electrifying fresh current around in wild ways as she finds her way across the top, over where the opening was situated, and she pressures the aperture slightly, making contact with the bit of flesh that is the last place semen crosses over inside of me before it finds its way to the outside, pressing on the vent that is tender and makes offerings of children and urine and the resonance through my being is nothing short of an earthquake and I gasp.

Her hand has to adjust to a pound of flesh that I have, and then readjust, and then make further allowances yet again as I fulfill her palm, her fingers, and she greets my enthusiasm warmly and does not shirk. She exhales an unintelligible word that is universal in meaning, regardless of language or culture, a sound that launches ships and starts wars and induces the gods to demand sacrifices.

My perineum, the stretch of flesh between my asshole and my balls where there is hair I could not do anything about—not without help—drums out a beat that my breathing synchs up to, my stomach palpitates to and it is all I can do to listen to the pressure build in my head as the tympani mallets induce a swelling and the snares roll and the bass drums' heads as they flutter their way cymatic as they get hit. I lean further back in my chair, and my hips join in, thrusting without my consent, without my control, and there is only one thing on earth, and it is happening now, and it is worth dying for.

I did not even realize my eyes were closed; the light emanating from her hand is blinding me anyway, and I am startled by the light pressure on my cheek. It increases in an instant and is wet. She is kissing me and my eyes fall open and the expression I had before is gone, there is a slight up-turning of my cheek muscles, bowing out to meet her lips. The precious air I have taken in has furnaced into something hot and I force the pyroclastic cloud out and it incinerates the forest I had left on my chest, I force it all out through my nose, which insisted I pull some more in and I am rewarded. Her own arousal smells wonderful. My eyes droop back shut as I revel in the joy that my friend had brought to me today, this day of all days.

I am affirmed.

The atmosphere struck the side of my face where she had been like a slap and was suddenly slightly colder, and then the warmth of the blanket of her hand that I had between my legs evaporated as well. I was so enraptured in the tactile connection that it didn’t even register that it was over until it was too late. I lifted my head over to the side, wrenching my eyes out of my reverie into the darkness of the fluorescents, and the vibrational space she had occupied was empty. She wasn’t there. I tried again to inhale some remnant of her perfume, and all that was left were the stale gasses of the office and they were foul.

The dance hall in my chair closed down for the day; the calypso slowed comically down as the juke box that had been driving me became unplugged. The ventilation system roared while my jig trudged down to something less amusing, something less obvious, something inert and miserable that can only remember that it had once been alive.

I hung my head as I watched my erection wither away and be unhappy that it hadn’t gotten to do all that it wanted in its blunt pathetic little life. But I didn’t care. I am more than what is between my legs. All that mattered is that there was someone, someone I cared about, someone I couldn’t have for my own had stepped up and made all this day of horror and of shame alright, and it was enough. As the naysayers and the scornful presented themselves and their vile opinions of me throughout the rest of the day, I had a place I could retreat to, a place I could counter it all with—go ahead and laugh, assholes, I don’t give a shit—where a beautiful Muse was holding my cock and kissing me and assuring me that she would be here tomorrow, too, even if it was going to be under different circumstances with a different set of rules in play that would forbid the actions I longed for as they always had; it was that brief irreplaceable moment that mattered. The moment I could dream about and take home and replay when I will put my hands on myself where she had, and I could fulfill what we had for that briefest of eons, even if she wasn’t ever going to be there again.

I have been given fire.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Death of the Little Death

By Brewt.Blacklist

October 2012

WHAT? OH god, just get through it. Argh. No. Motherfucker.

It was absolutely blinding. My head exploded, a bomb had gone off, this wasn’t what was supposed to happen, ow, ow, ow, Jesus Fucking Christ that hurt.

So much for going back to sleep. I got back up and staggered out of the bedroom-deadroom back into the living.

This had never happened before. I had been up since 4:00—well, that part happened all the damn time any more—and had decided by 8:30 that I could maybe go back to bed, get in a little more snooze, yay, weekend. Back in bed, I was lying there, playing with myself, to help with that last little bit of relaxation, that last little bit of letting go before falling blissfully back into a nap. It had worked just fine so many times before. Every time, actually. For decades.

I’m not even sure at this point what I was fantasizing about. The usual, I reckon: oral sex, anal sex, having a woman being submissive to me, having her doing something utterly dirty, having her abide through some atrocity simply because I wanted her to—and it would be alright with her; she would be on board with that as her own demons required her to give in to me, oh, yeah, baby—and whatever it was, it was working.

I was hard in my hand, my eyes were closed, my legs were spread a bit, just enough to get some leverage to exert tension into my ass through the base of my cock and it was all pulsing nicely. I was performing a small thrusting action with my hips and my good right hand—the one that had done this more days than not in my life—was moving my skin around on my penis, up and down, massaging the muscle within, pushing down from above as I lay on my back, sinking further into the bed, pressuring my cock between my hand, my abdomen, getting faster, mmmm. My left hand was squeezing the base of where my dick attached, my thumb wedged into the hinge of where I stuck out and where I wanted to increase the pressure, pulling my ball-sack, and the actions all led as they always did, into a path I never bore of, a march I never got tired of, and my focus tightened toward my dick, my hand, whatever gorgeous seductive humiliating disturbing insane I-love-doing-this-to-this-woman imagery was flashing through my mind, I could hear the girl saying ‘oh, god, yes’ in my conjuring—she couldn’t help it, heh, heh, she’s such a fuck monster—I could see my satisfaction from here, and my whole body started in on its happy-penis dance, hallelujah, c’mere angel, gimme a kiss.

The tingles began moving up my backbone toward my thinker and as they reached my neck they were met by something else. In the very middle of my skull, a soon-to-be-gratifying tension rose and spread and blossomed around, overfilling the bowl that held the goal of my nervous system and the sparkles spilled their way out and down to meet the ignitions moving up and they melded toward the base of my skull, halle-fucking-lu-jahhh...this tension encounter was normal, a meeting of sensation for a regular B-flat orgasm, the trombones and the trumpets were about to come in to accentuate what the strings were doing, four, three, two, one, get ready, percussion. All was going well, my cup was going to runneth over, I was going to make a mess and I didn’t care. My thought process shutteth-ed down. Autopilot happen-ed, nothing to do but finish. The point of no return was cross-ed.

Then something went hideously wrong. The noggin-side glitter-fall found a different set of neurons to fire upon—shit! What the fuck is that?—and the expected joys transformed into a beheading. My entire being detonated in pain, everything from my crown down blasted in anguish. The last thought that had any semblance of linguistic support I could muster was to ride it through, this’ll fix itself in a second—and the second crawled by even onto eternity, gawd, it’s bright in here, how did it get to be so noisy, crappy symphony analogy became cacophonous—to no improvement. It got worse. The painful neural activity in my cranium slammed into the once-pleasurable was-that-just-a-second-ago dazzlings in my spine, and the agony won, intensifying beyond the telling of it. I don’t know how I didn’t scream.

Oh, holy fuck it hurt. Any regard for any sense of ‘uh, that’s enough now’ didn’t have any purchase in whatever the fuck this was, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck saying fuck, and my vocabulary fucking diminished to shortened fucking words we can’t say in the Iglesias; whatever I thought I fffuuucking knew about anything quit m-mattering, there was only an ever-increasing excruciation that had no beginning, no end, no reason, no mercy, death take me now, please, oh fucking please…

I’ve had one pain that was worse. Seventeen years ago I had pneumonia a few times and set into a coughing spell one night. I couldn’t stop hacking, and I finally coughed so hard, I swore I could feel something break in my lower left chest at the bottom of my ribcage. That night I did make noise and the emergency room was of no help: no answers, no relief, go home, get some sleep, sorry, all that happened was that you coughed. The X-ray didn’t show anything except the pneumonia. I didn’t go to work the next day but had to drag my sorry ass to my scrumptious little doctor who said yes, you have it again, stay home, feel better. After a few days of antibiotics I was able to stumble around enough to get back to the office, hi, how are you, I’ve been better, thanks, you poor thing. A month-and-a-half later, I was hospitalized for again having pneumonia, hmm, that’s weird, how many times is that, and the medical profession eventually found—with an MRI—an abscess about the size of a grapefruit growing on the bottom of my lung that couldn’t be seen on X-ray, well, that had to go; it had to be surgically removed. The butchers had to destroy it to take it out: they left me with a jagged seven inch scar I still haven’t covered with a tattoo, and I am still not altogether convinced I didn’t die on the table, but they at least noticed that the thing they went in there for had been cracked in half at some point, and had grown back over through the middle. Recovery was indeed unpleasant—I got to play the part of the Mummy for months afterwards—to say the least, but it all didn’t hurt quite as bad as that coughing-hacking-oh-my-god-I-can’t-breathe night; that night was the worst. Thought I really was going to die. On the pain scale, this little experience was that film with Dudley Moore and Bo Derek.

When the breathing-drainage tube got put into me after surgery, I was awake, but I can’t remember it. The nurses gave me twilight drugs to make me forget, which I both bless and curse. The interns who were there for the procedure came in a couple days later and cowered against the wall the whole time; wouldn’t talk to me, wouldn’t look directly at me, were anxious to get the hell out of there. I asked the surgeon about it after they slinked away, who only said, “Yeah. Don’t worry about it. It, uh, hurt.” I gathered I was ungentlemanly during the procedure, so that one, too, was obviously pretty bad, but I’m not sure it really counts; that little itch should maybe scale in at that oh-so-interesting movie with Mickey Rourke and Kim Bassinger, but maybe I’m not thinking about it right, and maybe it doesn’t quite have weight, since I have no memory of it. Another scar that I explained at the beach, along with the other one: “Yup, came up against a jealous husband: bullet wound, knnife, I’mmm llllucky ta be aliiiive. He ain’t. Heh heh.”

But this niggardly noodle-twinge ranked. A Solid Something by Fellini; maybe that wretched Daniel Day-Lewis musical.

…My bed threw me out of it without me doing anything, all while the gray matter was growling and barking and snarling at me in a language usually reserved for horror films and sadomasochistic fantasies, the ones I usually manage to be fairly fond of, the ones I spend an inordinate amount of time looking for on the internet. And I needed maid service. Shit. Gad. I managed to pull my robe off its hook without falling down with it, and staggered off to the bathroom, dragging it behind me, dropping it onto the tile, didn’t care, I dripped, I deteriorated. I managed to raise my eyes toward the mirror, fuck, it’s still me, where are the goddamn warspears I can definitely feel skewering my parietal plate; pressing my hands up my temples as hard as I could didn’t even register. I watched myself try to crush my own head like a grape; it felt like I succeeded continuously.

Every analgesic I had got wolfed down, which succeeded in deluding my sense of panic—but not the extreme prejudice that was being point-blanked at my neuroreceptors—into muting enough that I could pant my way to the chair in my living room—shit, robe—and I stared cross-eyed at the boob tube through I can’t even tell you how many years, centuries, eons of—inane, fuck, who writes this shit—television programming executive decisions; it was just a flickering light-box speaking in tongues.

The banshee in between my ears, behind my eyes, above the roof of my mouth, finally simmered down on all the wailing after what to be only a couple of hours; I had one maybe three of those sleeping pills that clears the nose—thinking it was a sinus problem—which finally did put me to sleep, but the pounding was still there, still throbbing the rest of the day.

And the next.

And the next.

The nuisance in my brain pan bellowed for over three weeks straight. The number of minutes it didn’t hurt could be counted on my left hand. The one I don’t use to masturbate with.

I tried whacking off a couple more times that weekend, and a couple times since. Hope against hope. The first time wrought the same effects as the real first time, shit, ouch, oh my fucking god ouch, I didn’t know it rained in hell, and the second, well, it was building up and up and up and oh jesus, it was going to happen again, and I quit. The others didn’t hurt quite so bad, I toughed them on out, persistent little bugger, ain’t I, but, yeah. It gets my attention. Put a stop to that nonsense.

Looked it up on the web: found Coital Cephalalgia. Sex Headaches are not tracked as common, reported at about one percent of the population, but considering how mortifying this all is, the incidence could be much higher. The stories I read and the descriptions I found all hit with the same symptoms, just like they did me: soul-shattering scalp-splitting suffering of the damned at or around orgasm. But usually, not for three weeks straight.

Monday I went to see my little hottie flibbertigibbet doctor whose usual habit it was to save my life; told her all about my portable volcano. Of all the physicians I ended up talking to about this, she handled it the best: her bedside manner was why I kept going back to her; she understood that humans do, sure, it’s okay, uh, things. “We all do,” she winked. We talked and she assured me it was alright and—just like she always did—she held my hand; she set up an MRI, but this was decided to not be frantically urgent and it could probably wait: Friday. Ack. Apparently, I didn’t show quite the right set of symptoms to warrant actual emergency, like a cerebral hemorrhage or a stroke, ow, fuck me, fuck you, fuck everyone in the office and y’all better not fucking enjoy it, ‘cause I sure as fuck am not, ow. She let me rant a little, pet me, gave me a hug, hang in there, let me know. After I had my claustrophobia re-affirmed in an exorbitant electro-coffin at the end of the week, the center assured me they would contact my doctor, oh yes, immediately, immediately if they found anything. I saw her that evening, and she hadn’t heard anything, how are you doing, are you okay. I had never seen her in public before, never out in the world, never seen her husband before, and she put her hand on my shoulder before she left, be strong, we’ll get you through it, and she did go to all the trouble to send me a one-word letter the next week: “Normal.”.

Yeah, right. Great.

So, good news in that it wasn’t something that was going to kill me. Bad news, in that it wasn’t something that was going to kill me. Because I wished I was dead. Well, maybe not dead-dead. I’ve had bad things happen to me over the years—hell; we all have—but nothing like this. The people who have labeled this sort of thing as ‘benign’ haven’t had them a one-of-these, and okay, it could be worse: there are reports that in some cases, it induces amnesia, so by the next time you get round to getting your groove on again, you have forgotten that it happens, and then get to experience it all over again for the first time. Whoo, Nelly. Auto-sublimaze. Hmm. Maybe that would be better; had me an acquaintanceship once upon a time with that shit.

As I retell the tale for the umpteenth time to myself, trying to figure it out, it all keeps coming back down to the short course: the absolute antithesis to my objective for going on living hit out of the blue, nobody knows what causes it, no pain killer I own can do a thing against it; it may just stop, it may go on forever, it may go away and surprise me again someday.

As I, at least at the moment, have an assurance of a fairly solid violence aimed squarely at my belfry in this arena, I think it goes without saying that my interest in the erotic is quite short-circuited right now, and I am not taking it well, no, not well at all…hello, ladies on the internet, shit, can’t play tonight, can’t beat off, can’t read, I hate television, my patience for movies has run its course, crap, staring at the wall reminds me of what I’m staring with and how it has things to say about that, harsh things about what so much unheeded meditation on sin has wrought, you deserve it, haven’t you seen enough spook films to know that he who has sex gets it, even if it’s just with yourself, it’s disgusting, especially the way you do it, Terry. Bleaach. Ow. And I suspect this is the test, now, isn’t it, the big exam of life: can I do anything without my penis being involved, can I do anything of note or of value, hell, can I do anything at all, never mind worthwhile.

Doesn’t feel like it.

I’ve already lost friends, real friends, albeit indirectly; people who don’t even actually know what’s going on because of it. People whose patience apparently ran out real quick during an episode, ‘god, you don’t have to be so rude.’ Probably has to do with how poorly I am taking it, ‘Oh, poor baby, headache, huh, that’s too bad,’ with a tip of the head and an obligatory muttering of ‘asshole’ under their breath as they stepped away. I tried to rationalize things with the idea that this was at least vaguely interesting; wrongo: people were about as interested in the idea that I couldn’t fuck as they were with the idea that I could. Same

horror, different angle. Shut the fuck up, Terry, we really don’t want to know. Too much information.

Doesn’t matter, I’m too busy to notice: I’ve got a horde of nasty eentsy-weentsy tiny dragons with fangs and fire-claws and a ferocious demeanor that are every-fucking-where to contend with all the while, on top of which, I am grieving the loss of my sexuality; becoming a castrati, being gelded by my own brain chemistry, is not my choice. I don’t even need to direct my focus onto my nether region; it all comes and goes at it pleases with me just sitting there, minding my own business, good morning asshole, don’t forget me. I am pain’s obedient servant now; I wish and I pray that I knew what it wanted—that reminds me, I need a good languishing couch—what I would have to do to make it stop, because at this point, there isn’t a whole lot of question as to whether or not I’d do it. That was always one of the conditions in my dreams: do this, and I’ll quit doing awful things to you, oh, and I will continue to do them until you do; give in, obey, be mine, want what I want you to want, you’re my toy, my submissive, my vassal, let me be your god. Doesn’t seem to work that way for me these days. Stupid unrelenting reality.

The bitch from my delusions doesn’t want to have anything to do with me any more; she has no room in her life, er, my fantasy of her life for anyone as emasculated as me. My imaginary whore has run out of ‘yes’; my ability to summon my favorite slut to do my bidding has diminished onto negligible. God fucking damn it. You’d think that if I could succeed in getting her here and getting her to perform that which works for me, she could at least have the decency to allow me to put her through her paces, bwa-ha-ha-ha, if for no other reason than to get to see from her bindings how the burdens I have inflicted upon her for so long get reflected back onto her master, but no, the miserable little cunt doesn’t seem to think even that would be worth her precious time. Not sure what I’m going to do with her.

The word that keeps resurfacing to me is ironic. I have tried all my life to be a good man, and now I now I-I seem to get to endure the Finger of The Lord tapping me on the side of my haircut when I do the thing we’ve all been doing to ourselves since the womb—before we were even inflicted with original sin, so of all things sanctioned by heaven, this pretty much has to qualify as righteous, doesn’t it—the thing that gets all the bad press from a biblical story that doesn’t even mention it, that we’re all too embarrassed to admit that we do and to have to admit something is going horribly wrong while we’re doing what we’ve all been taught we shouldn’t? Ach. God’s a funny guy, huh.


“YOU’RE KIDDING, right?”

“Actually, no.”

“So, let me get this straight. You are telling me that what actually works for you is the whole fairy tale princess thing, castles, knights in shining armor, candles, lute music, flower petals on the duvet and being awakened from a blissful peaceful night’s rest by a gentle kiss from the handsome prince who has fought his way through sinister things to be by your side, and getting to finally be put up on the pedestal he adores you on, that you deserve, happy forever after, and everybody looks fabulous, amen?”

“Well, when you put it that way, it sounds fairly juvenile. Stupid. Shallow. Thanks a fucking lot.”

“I’m just trying to understand things, here. This children’s story is what actually makes you wet.”

“I didn’t say that. That’s just what I want. How I want to live.”

“Oh, well, who doesn’t want to be deliriously fucking happy all the god damn time?”

“And, so, well, then, there you be.”

“Answer my question.”

“I can’t. It doesn’t work down to one or two little things, just trip the right trigger and off I go into ecstasy land. You know that. I’m not a man.”

“Oh, and I suppose you’re next going to say that I’m not exactly one any more either, huh. And not that it matters, but you’re wrong about how we work. What about what I do to you? What I want from you?”

“Yes. No. Maybe, maybe not. Sometimes. I don’t know how to answer that. It’s all contradictory, twisted, a paradox. You’ve never even allowed for that kind of depth in me before, that kind of variable. It was always something you dictated to me and frankly, the idea that I am even going to be allowed to talk is how you barely got me to even cross the threshold tonight. What does it matter anyway?”

“It’s what I want.”

“No, what you want is to be able to have an orgasm without your head thundering with a herd of pissed off rabid water buffalo rampaging around, tearing up your precious china shop of a mind, you conceited misogynistic narcissistic phony.”

“Yes. That, too.” I wasn’t expecting name calling from her; it took me by surprise.

“How is calling me in here going to help you with that? If I let you do what you usually do to me—again; yeah, right, like I have a choice—and it works, you’re going to blame me, and take it all out on me more than you ever have before in ever new and inventive cruel and vicious ways, which is only going to cycle back around onto you and get you all excited again and make it all happen again, only worse. It’s a bad plan; it will only set up a really brutal feedback loop back onto yourself, and I know you don’t like it to hurt the way you want me to like it, so I don’t understand what you’re doing here. Fuck, I don’t understand what I’m doing here.”

“Sounds crazy, doesn’t it.”

“It totally fucking is. I mean, except to bark an order at me or to gloat over how bad you’ve made it for me, you’ve never even spoken to me before. Not so much as the time of day. I don’t even get to cuddle afterwards. I’m just a cipher, someone you invented to vent your rage against since you can’t do what you want to do for real because no one in their right mind would even want to hear about that—too much information to the N-th degree; god, you’re a pig—and it would take a certifiable lunatic to let you do what you want. I’m only a dream.”

“Maybe I want something else these days.”

“Oh, sure. You know there is no woman on earth who will go through what you put me through. And if you were to try it, if you could actually find an idiotic submissive little masochist who is too stupid to say ‘no’, you’ll just get yourself killed by people who actually care for her. No one would put up with what you want. What you say you ‘need’.” She made the quote mark motions in the air. “This is absolutely moronic: using me to try to understand a real woman isn’t going to make you understand a real woman.”

“I suppose not.”

“So why the fuck do you want me to come on and do the dog and pony show to make something happen that we both know you’ll hate? You’re not suffering from a self-defeating personality disorder; that is the shitty little demeanor you have given me. You’re the god damn sadist in our little symbiosis here; you’re the one that wants to be a god, remember? Why does the asinine little asshole god want to visit hell?”

I didn’t say anything, despite her point; she had more to carry on about anyway.

“I mean, look, you can kill me and resurrect me at will, you can twist me into saying and doing anything—a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g—at all and I will just put on the happy face you demand and have no concern for myself whatsoever. I am expendable. And you will always make me come back and forgive you and let you carry on like nothing terrible happened at all. My being here really makes no sense, and you can’t give me what I really want anyway: you can’t set me free; I am nothing but the lie you create, and you’re not that inventive. What you really need to do is take your god damn hands off yourself for a while; maybe then it’ll get better.”

“All true, but then again, maybe not. I have to be able to control it, this, this thing that happens to me. If I can’t, I might as well just get a knife and finish the job on my dick that my neurology has started. I’m not going to let it beat me.”

“Nonsense. The whole point of sex—fuck kids—is to feel good. If it doesn’t lead to that, it doesn’t happen, not in real life. Even the real pain-sluts have real limits as to what they will endure, and if they don’t get something out of whatever agony they find themselves in, once they’re grown up enough, they will walk away, and never look back. Masochism has an end, which is to not be masochistic any more. To get to where it has been enough and it can all stop hurting. When a masochist has paid enough for her sins, she’ll stop being a masochist. Go read something; it’d be a better learning experience.”

“Sadism doesn’t have an end. And sadists require masochists. Besides, doesn’t understanding pain management make me a better master?”

“Bullshit. Master, my ass. Of all the things I have ever begged you for, please: please don’t do this; it will only lead back to where you already are.”

“To being someone who is not able to have sex.”

“Pretty much.”

“Not acceptable. And I find it enormously interesting that you have the slightest concern for me.”

Her face fell, as did her shoulders. She sighed, and I waited for her to either acknowledge that she did, in fact, care, or change the subject. “It’s not like you’re going to let me off the hook here, anyway. And I’m sure my so-called concern is nothing more than your subconscious exerting itself for your own self-preservation, particularly where it concerns your delicate male ego. This is a mad science. So, fine. Just fucking fine. You’ll give in eventually. What do you want me to do?”

“Pick a name for yourself.”

“Oh, fuck me.”


THE ROOM I put Susan in was an unfocused green, like one finds in hospitals or bathrooms; there was a rickety old wooden workbench against one wall, a black cabinet, and the structure I had concocted for her. Otherwise plain, reasonably well-lit. I seemed to remember some old dungeon-porn I had seen it in once. It was 4:00 o’clock: the witching hour.

“You have got to be kidding me.”

“You know, you have become an awful lot mouthier, lately.”

“Oh, blow me, you old fucker. I suppose that means you want me to go back to being a quiet demure little victim, who mews pitifully underneath her gag and sheds cute little tears while you’re busy breaking bones on her.”

“Naw, I kinda like this. Feisty is fun.”

“Yeah, I’m sure it fosters the idea that I’m a living girl to you, you bastard.”

“Whatever. Take off your clothes, please.”

“Fake politeness doesn’t win you any points with the figment of your imagination.” The silky red plaid dress fell where she stood into a puddle—I hadn’t even seen her make the move to undo it—and the blouse fell away like crisp paper magic. One moment her clothes were all over her, the next they were on the floor and her arms were crossed, her feet a little more than shoulder-width apart, in an authoritative, almost aggressive stance; not what I expected from her at all. She was still wearing a large white practical bra like her mother would have worn, granny panties, and nylon pantyhose. “Is this what you had in mind?”

“Seems odd that when I’m not directly dictating every whipstitch of the daydream, this is where it led.”

“Little sperm-gun dick-splashes are always wanting to fuck their mothers.”

“I’m pretty sure that’s not where this is going today.”

“Ah. You’re just going to beat mommy up, then. You’re a mean, heartless and sadistic little boy, taking things out on the ghost of the one woman on earth who loved you.”

I decided not to answer her, and I wondered where this was going to go; I hadn’t scripted anything, but had a suggestion. The furniture was a hint. “You know where I want you to be, don’t you?”

“Jerktard. Skidmark. Shitpipe.”

I smiled and waited for her to cave in. I folded my arms to match hers, and stared her down, not tipping my head toward one side or the other, not making noise through my nose as I breathed slow, hardly blinking. I relaxed my cheeks, and let the muscles in my face go from the tension one has when trying to look pleasant, changing into something flat. My eyes itched, I could feel my smile dissipate. She faltered from looking at me and dropped her hands to her sides and began pacing around the floor, around the sawhorse, looking pensively up at me, somehow shrinking without changing size as her stride got smaller and smaller, becoming less and less assertive, getting more and more worried as the circles that she moved in got tighter and tighter, her patience shoring up, giving out, draining, refilling as she fought herself, as she lost ground, as she inched her way toward being defeated.

“Are you hard yet, you sick, sick doofus?” She still had some kicking to do.

“No. Come on. And Susan? Lose the panties.” I knew what I wanted and by osmosis, she did, too.

“God damn it. Please don’t make me do this. This isn’t what we talked about.” She stamped her feet. I don’t know what happened to her shoes.

“What does that mean, you want talking birds tweeting little songs to you, sunshine scattering through the trees, long flowing hair wafting in the breeze while you clasp your hands together and hold your breath at the prospect of seeing your handsome prince in anticipation of the happily ever after you crave? Oh, the languishing you could be doing! Will that make you wet enough to get up here?” I stroked the board of the horse; the sandpaper that had been glued to it, grit side up was a medium fine grade.

“Asshole. This is going to fucking hurt! Why do you want to hurt a woman?”

“I don’t want to hurt a woman; I don’t want a woman who has been hurt, and god save me from one who’s sick. I want a woman who is willing to allow herself to be hurt for me. Do you love me?”

“Of course not, shithead. It doesn’t matter how many times you make me say it, it does not make it so. You are a fucking ogre, and you need to let me go.”

“Then go.”

“God damn it, that isn’t going to work! You’ll just call me back in here with some other look, some other body, but it’s still going to be me! You can’t let me go, uh, and this is hell! Whatever little problem you think you have with your sweet little fontanel is nothing compared to the prison you have me in! Arrgh!”

I noticed the hesitation. “You know, aside from your little digs today, you’ve never addressed me. Ever.”

“It’s not like you have given me very many opportunities to do so, but yes, yes, I have, butthead. Don’t change the subject!”

“No, you haven’t. Why not?”

“It…it is not allowed.”

“Says who?”

“You did. By making me have a one-word vocabulary all those years.”

I laughed. “What word is that?”

“I don’t want to say it any more.”

“Come on. Say it.”

“It’s the word you keep saying is the only word that matters, and that is simply not true.”

I did what I had to do. I tipped my head.

“Fine. ‘Yes.’ Are you happy?”

“I have to admit, I do love to hear you say that.”

“I hope you enjoy it, because it’s fucking meaningless.”

“Oh? How so?”

“There is no ‘yes’ without ‘no’. If I don’t have a choice, then all I am is a little robot. Why do you want to make love to a machine?”

I had to think a moment; it caught my attention that she referred to it as ‘making love.’ “I’ve had so many ‘no’s thrown at me that I need a respite from it. My hope does not rest in ‘no’; it rests in ‘yes’.”

Her turn to tip her head to the side. “Aww, was someone mean to you? Hurt your tender little feelings? Maybe some little girl? An old lover?” She lowered her chin and looked up at me, serious as a heart attack. Er, no, a cerebral hemorrhage. “Maybe it was mom.” Full of spite, full of contempt, full of scorn.

“Will you quit trying to make this about her? It isn’t. It isn’t.” Despite the truths she had me by—by my own short and curlies—I had to assert myself, take control of the situation, be in charge. I pushed back to the subject at hand. “So why don’t you address me?” Always keep your sub off-kilter, keep her guessing, make her have to adjust to you, not the other way around, damn it. That was the story I was sticking to.

It had the desired effect; she uprighted and struggled with herself, withdrew from her invectives at me and shook her head, pursing her lips together as she ran out of angles to approach this with. “It…it is a sign of respect.”

I could not keep myself from guffawing; even she caught the break in the tension and tittered. “But why would you have that for me now? Your mockeries today don’t speak of respect.”

One hundred and eighty degrees; she stopped fighting me. Somehow, in a way I couldn’t track, her submission reminded her of herself. She was trying to take her pantyhose off, perhaps to distract herself or me or whatever film crew I had that we couldn’t see that was recording all this for some other day to play through; perhaps to change the subject away from what she felt, what she clearly was uncomfortable talking about.


“You made me that way. I don’t know how or why you’ve made it so I can hate you as hard as I possibly can, and still want to be here for you.”

“There is a word for that.”

“No. That is not the case. That is the last thing I feel for you.” She was working on her underwear, sliding all forty-seven square yards of the cloth down her legs. When she had finally gotten it all down to the floor, she stepped out of the pile, and over to the sawhorse. I didn’t remember her having public hair before; I liked shaved. “I absolutely do not love you; I loathe you with every fiber of my being, you spineless little freak.” She lifted one leg up and flung it over the lumber, and made do with stagger-falling toward the beam with a little hop of the foot remaining on the floor. She shot both hands onto the wood, one to the left of where her knee was, one to the right, and she wrestled with equilibrium. Her breathing was elevating, and her head was nodding in time with the increasing frequency of her labor. She strained onto her hands, and lifted herself up above so she was straddling the line of wood, her crotch hovering above the line of micro-ground quartz crystals along the top.

She lifted her head toward me, with a plead in her eyes. “Please don’t make me do this, Terry.”

I smiled. Insults aside, that was a first. “I’m not making you do anything. I’m just standing here. Get down and go away, if you want.”

She was breathing quite heavily by now, her chest heaving, her arms shaking. She looked like she was about to cry; she lowered herself down onto what I had set out for her. Her face crumpled as she made contact. She turned her head away from me.

“Look at me. And take off your bra.”

“God damn it, Terry, please let me down. Please.”

“You can get down any time you want.”

“Y-yeah, but I can never leave. I totally fucking hate you.”

I could see the change in the directions of the energies being played upon her, through her, and they were glorious. The walls came a-tumblin’ down: forces, damn forces, and submission. The hand she had in front of her, her good left hand, set off to shaking harder as it became obvious she was releasing the muscle tension in it, and allowing gravity to have its way with her, pulling her down onto the sawhorse. She rocked her hips a little backward, grinding the sandpaper into her perineum and back toward her asshole; she gasped. Her south paw lifted off the horse with a tremble as she leaned back onto her right; she pinched her knees together along the board to stabilize herself. She pulled her free hand up behind her back to try to undo the clasp of the bra, but it wouldn’t give. Her face crumpled as she realized what the predicament called her to do, and she slowly flinched and rolled her hips forward, crossing her ankles together beneath her. Her breathing got shallower as her weight shifted onto her sex.

Her moaning increased as she got moved around enough to pull her right hand up; she balanced with her lower abdomen rocking from side to side; her hands met behind her and she struggled with Lindauer’s contraption which would not give in to my demand. Susan made sounds that spoke of frustration, discomfort, lovely babblings tinged with despair as she battled the garment. She finally pulled the straps out enough to put her arms through, and pulled her bust’s support mechanism down around her waist. She rotated it around as I had once unexpectedly seen my mother do—how the fuck did she get in here—and yanked on the hooks until she pulled them out of shape and the offensive breast girdle found itself on the floor.

The girl in front of me, the girl straddling the sandpaper-covered sawhorse, the girl of my dreams, was suffering from breathing stress, a rather painful irritation between her legs, and whatever sense of whatever it was that kept her humiliation’s fires running for me, me, offering what I called her to. She was whimpering and crying gently, her lips trembled, the distress was strong in the one, but whatever compulsions that she conceded herself to were stronger. She kept her hands off the plank.

I was getting an erection. I put my hands together behind my back as she fell into her rhythms, and she descended to her place in the world. “Do you know what I want you to do next?”

“I can’t reach you.” The change had happened; she was no longer the feisty firebrand of femininity, no longer harboring malevolency toward masculinity, or even to me. She was a slave. Her speech was halting; she was covering her breasts with her hands as she swayed. “You’ll have to step closer. I can’t suck your cock sitting up like this, and you’re still not close enough even if I bend over.” She was trying to be still, to calm herself down, to adjust to the general unpleasantness of her situation and recover some layer of dignity to hide behind. She started leaning forward, balancing her way through her descent, trying to keep Newton’s Insistence at bay.

“I want you to masturbate.” She bolted upright and shook her head. “And I don’t want you to use your hands. Not down there.” She lifted her eyes when the ‘how’ seeped in; they got wide. She wobbled up.

“I’m not wired that way. I can’t. And I’ll fall.”

“Try anyway.”

“Oh god.”

She would raise her head every few seconds to look at me, and when I could see her scouring my face, I would nod, which got her to turn away and make little wags of her head, or clutch her chest tighter, or wiggle her dangling legs a little only to look back up at me to see me insist again. At one iteration, she tried to hook her ankles up behind her over the rail to give herself all the leverage she could and got one of them almost there, but lost her balance and the free foot shot down to the floor to try to catch her; she gulped as the abrasives tore away from and then back on to her pussy, across her thigh. But rather than give in to her earnest desires to get off the horse and go cower in the corner, she endeavored her way back up, going through all the motions again of shifting weight from hand to hand until she was again balanced and perched with all the gravity she had being focused onto what was vexing her, the center of her being, the objective of all her thoughts, how can I cum, I can’t do this, how can I cum, it hurts, dear god spare me from this man and the storms he makes me ride.

When she finally got herself repositioned and stilled, I whispered “Go ahead, Susan.”

She closed her eyes, and lowered her head a little, and made a small almost imperceptible nod, one that spoke of the idea that whatever aggression she had toward me earlier was gone. Her hands established some moving around on her breasts, pushing them in, releasing them, frictioning her nipples with an obviously light graze of her palm, rolling them around a bit until she had made herself erect.

She had been holding her breath and when she had willed enough connections into going in her breasts, she opened her mouth a little to breathe. Her head would tip back and forth a little as she played with her nipples, little punches and pulls and pushes and pats and polishings until her breathing became a bit erratic.

I had always understood why I was fixated on breathing; I have so much trouble with my own that it symbolized itself in a great many ways to me, some damn breath of life reference I picked up from somewhere, thanks mom, and, as all things we get fixated on eventually do, it became sexualized. Susan breathed beautifully; her breasts heaved with desire. Despite the fact that she was naked and was doing something she simultaneously did and did not like and was humiliated by that dichotomy in herself and was trying to cover up what little of herself she could, she was also trying to display herself to me, to convey that she was available, to say that she found me attractive, she wanted me, she wanted to do what I wanted, and it all tore at her.

She was trying as hard as she could to cum for me without moving.

“More. Commit for me.”

Her face scrunched up, and she held her breath again. The movement that women make when aroused beyond their ability to contain themselves set itself into motion, whether because of truth or necessity, and the difference did not matter to me. Her face showed no sign of the right kind of stimulation for sexual gratification, but was rife with determination. Ah: necessity. She fucked herself, ever so slowly against the plank, rocking her hips forward and backward, trying to transmute the sensations from the increasing tender sorenesses I had set up for her into something more tolerable, into something that would feed her disgrace, into something she could connect her pussy and the light in her breasts to, and she tried, and she tried, and she tried, and she tried.

She rode my desires until they became truth, my lord she was beautiful; she squeaked, she moved, she didn’t stop, she made every attempt to let herself go as she did everything she could to respond for me, to give in to me, and in doing so, she captured me.

I was as hard as a rock; I gave into the motion that I make when my own arousal overwhelms me. My hand found its way, as it always did, into my boxers, and as she moved her sex, so did I. Our breathing, our sacred breathing synched up and became as one, and we directed the dynamics together as we masturbated for each other, her eyes closed, my eyes open.

The serpent slithered up my vertebrae, please, oh please, dear god, let this work, don’t let the devil out, and and and…

The Seven Year Itch came on, and drew on out to go on for much, much longer. My prayers went unheeded. When I came, the battle-ax drove through the back of my head and reminded me of my condition, decapitating me, leaving me with nothing but agony. Seven Brides Beat Seven Brothers, Se7en attacked with Seven Psychopaths, there would be no rest on The Seventh Day, not for you, Terry, no, and The Seventh Seal was opened. The prayers of the saints failed and the Beast had his reign on earth; I was marked and I died through his tribulations of terror and damnation. There was a lake of fire.

I fell to the floor and writhed. I made noise. A lot of noise.

When I could finally open my eyes, I was back in my bed in my room which would not stop spinning to the left, no, the right, it was like a carnival ride that made me want to puke, and there was no sawhorse of the apocalypse, no Susan, the color of the walls was back to its hateful white, the clutter that was always there was there once again, and I wept openly.


THE CONVERSATION at the dinner party turned as it always did, to the authenticity of some recent scroll or papyrus or text that had turned up in some old bibliographer’s researches in a musty forgotten library, calling once again into question all that we believed and thought we knew and the Deacon and I raised our eyebrows twice across the table at each other, reminding each other that it didn’t matter, we had more important dreams to dream about, despite the quagmire in my occipital region; no amnesty tonight, either. He didn’t know: I hadn’t told him. Slaughterhouse Five was the new normal; Five Easy Pieces could be kept at bay. The tension around my neck at the base of my skull was as tight as a newly wound clockspring, but at least the ache in the middle had simmered down to a dull roar; not down enough to suit me, but down to manageable. I could live with Five Smooth Stones.

I shifted my gaze to my left, to directly across the table from me, and waited for Susan to lift her head from her plate. I relaxed my face and stared her down.

Her eyes closed, she made a small guttural sound with her throat as she exhaled through her nose, and her head went forward.

She set about doing as I wished without a command. Telepathy with my artificial submissive totally rocked. She tentatively began opening her blouse, shrugging it off her shoulders. The bra she wore was plain, flesh colored, old and well-worn, and it came off easily, freeing the beauty she carried with her for all to see. For me to see: my very own Invisible Woman. She slid her chair back a little with a scrape against the floor in order to wriggle her way out of her skirt—blue plaid worsted wool tonight—which she threw back over her head with a flourish. When she got her panties off, she made a show of putting them in her mouth, slowly, pushing them in, pulling them out, little by little until her lips were closed. She looked up at me, chewing on her tanga; the weight of the world, familiar in my mother’s depression, played across her sad sad face.

I put my elbow up on the table, and held my chin up with my thumb, my first two fingers supporting the side of my face, my ring finger touching my lips, my pinky dangling. I toyed with my coffee cup with my right hand. I was intent on my girl, waiting for Mrs. Hyde.

She wouldn’t look at me for a few moments and simply sat there, naked before all the rest of the people at the table, people who didn’t see her. Someone made a point about faith and facts and fictions that was as meaningless as it always was when it would come up and I heard it, but had no heed for it, much as they had no heed for where my imagination had wandered so predictably off to. I had something better to contemplate. I drummed my fingers on the table top.

Susan’s hands went underneath the table, and the angle of her upper arms made it clear they were in her lap, and the way she jostled around announced what she was in the process of; it delighted me. She looked down to observe herself playing with herself a while before she looked back up into my eyes, see, I have a pussy, it does things to me, why don’t you crawl under the table, Terry, you could see what I am doing down there, see me have an efffffect on myself. Her lower lip pulled out from under her upper teeth a time or two as she created the word ‘fuck’ around her underwear—no joy, no joy—until something in her physiology happened and surprised her and pulled her silent articulation out of her into a murmur, then a longer sound, one of my favorites, and she had to look back down, to see what she was doing to herself; her mouth opened and closed several times wordlessly, her lips made the slightest popping sound I had to tune everything else in the room out to hear. She finally looked back up at me; I knew she liked this, however secretly. She overcame what little decorum a naked woman with her panties in her mouth in a room full of people could muster; she metamorphosized. She committed to playing to the part of her that wanted everyone to know she was a wanton slut, an absolute whore, the part that, when asked, she would always emphatically deny. One of those parts that I loved her for.

She racked herself as she performed for me. The idea of her humiliating herself like this before my friends had always done it for me before but tonight did not seem to be enough. The connections into my own arousal weren’t happening. It was time to up the stakes. I nudged my head down slightly toward her, and when she saw and heard the transference, the desire, the next perversity I wanted from her, her mouth fell open enough that some of the lycra came out, and her shoulders collapsed.

One hand reached up—her left, I believe—and wrapped and plucked and tugged and began stretching her areola. She moaned out loud a time or two until it began. No one paid any heed, the fools.

She lactated.

As she pulled, a dribble or two of breast milk formed on her nipple, and then a thread-thin line spat out, then another, and another. Her breath caught and the side of her lips went up over the increasing opening her mouth made; wet pink panties. She was milking herself, and her face conveyed how much she loved it. Her other hand, her right hand, the one she didn’t usually use to wank with, moved faster beneath her.

I pulled back from the table, and leaned back into my chair. I gave her a slight smile, and tipped my head down as I watched her.

This, this she was enthused about. Her melancholy gave way to lust, into the transformation I demanded. She sprayed everywhere, especially toward her own face and mouth; the panties sopped it up and she actively sucked on them. My maid got her dulche de leche into the drinks of the people beside her and they took sips obliviously, which got her to verbalize what her cunt was telling her to say and to say it loud, say it strong, say it with a conviction the other amateur theologians at the table lacked, in a language that had no words that was universal on the planet.

Delirious. Delicious. Desirous. Deviant.

Somewhere in there she got a wine glass under the table, and pissed into it. She poured it into her hair, onto her face, she played with it, she poured it into the cloth in her mouth and her enthusiasm for drinking like this went up. She went back for seconds. Thirds. She liked it messy; she worked herself up into quite the frenzy. She eventually got around to painting her face with her fingers after pulling her bad hand from her cunt; it was difficult to perceive where one kind of wetness stopped and another started, piss, milk, sweat, slutwater. The whore shoved her fingers into her mouth, making herself gag on the delicates. She set her other hand, the one she usually did this sort of thing with back to work, back to the core, back to the hole of a woman; she wrestled. By the time she came, she had completely drenched herself, and she garbled out my name around all that was covering her tongue. When she slumped back into her chair, done, satisfied, happy, she drew the soaking dripping panties slowly out and wrung them out back into her mouth and wiped her face with them. No one seemed to notice. As she recovered, she looked at me with gratitude, adoration, and she mouthed the words I made my bitch say to me every chance I got. The words that lovers say.

I was totally flaccid through the whole affair—usually, after a performance like this, I had to excuse myself from the group, and walk a gimpy way to the bathroom, only to return upright, at ease, perhaps a bit distracted, but not tonight, and that struck me as odd—and after Susan had gotten up from the table, taking her clothes with her, leaving the room, looking back to me once and smiling and waving, I looked over to my friend the Deacon.

He was obviously flushed and not at all limp, making small motions with his own righteous hand as he concentrated on the chair next to me. After a few minutes he caught my eye and excused himself to the bathroom, hunched over in a funny way before coming back, looking more relaxed, with a peace that passeth other people’s understanding. I understood. I put my hands over my face, and I wondered what he had been seeing that got his attentions so focused, rubbing my eyes, trying to hide the expression that I knew I was not succeeding at. Only one person at the confab recognized it for what it was and he asked if I was alright with a wink and a wry smile. I scrunched my nose. We had shared a secret with each other again, like we used to, after seeing the light back in church camp, where we sang songs that we decided had a different set of meanings than the ones the pastors told us they did. Songs we could rejoice with over the bounties the Lord had provided, the beautiful bounties, blossoming, growing up before us, with us, send us a piece down to the river, Lord, we were happy, let it shine, we clapped our hands, oh the blessings that flow…

After the coffees were finished at 8:30 and the brandies were poured, the Deacon and I re-entered the conversation which had finally gotten lively enough to be entertaining, and it lasted until long into the night.

When I got home, I called to Susan but she wouldn’t come to me; her submissiveness was fraying around the edges. I asked her once on some other evening why she only came when I called, why she wouldn’t initiate anything, and she replied that she wouldn’t feel right imposing herself into my life, that a good sub didn’t dictate contact—it was her duty to respond—and now, she didn’t even feign to acknowledge a direct order from me. I had no idea how that could even work. And I said it out loud: shit. I was really in the mood for fucking her ass, and making her suck my cock afterwards. As I went ahead and tried my hand at things anyway, remembering what she had done for me that night and so many other nights just like this one, why wasn’t it working, and as I tried to construct a reverie that would get my motor running because normally that would be enough, the pressure escalated and the boilers threatened to blow and it began to hurt and I chickened out and ultimately did not masturbate that night; Pavlov and Maslov and Skinner threatened me with The Ten Commandments and all had their way with me bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha and I half-heartedly gave up, full of despair, what with all the spikes pressing up against me from inside my pillow, I didn’t sleep well at all, and I swore at people the following day that I maybe shouldn’t have, including an old friend who didn’t understand the change in my demeanor from the night before. I felt pretty god damn alone. Desolate. Empty.


“WHY DON’T I have a face, Terry?”

“I beg your pardon?”

“A face. You never describe me, not even to yourself. I am always a blank slate to you, with whatever your little perversions de la journée require having the desired effect of the day. You give me expressions, you put me through my paces, you like to make me cum from unpleasant things, especially in front of people I don’t know who can’t see me, but you haven’t ever given me a face.”

“I’m pretty sure I don’t know what you look like.”

“Oh, I think you do. Don’t you remember who I am?”

“This I have to hear.”

Susan cleared her throat, and straightened up from her slouch to a full proper well-postured sit, cross-legged with her hands on her knees, palm up, naked on the end of my bed. She took a deep breath. “We were seven years old. You had just moved in and had joined, let’s see, Mrs. North’s first grade class. I totally didn’t care one thing about you and we all sang the songs children aren’t allowed to sing in school any more and you were so bad at it, singing out loud and strong and off key and not even knowing the words to that simple children’s hymn, adding the ‘yah’ in the rest every single time like a dork, until that day about a week later you farted so loud the walls shook, and everybody stared up at you and laughed and laughed and laughed. You were so busy being mortified that you didn’t notice me but I took an immediate shining to you right there and then; you tried half-heartedly to blame a couple of the other kids, finally just hanging your head in shame, please just let it pass, let it pass, let it pass. The children wouldn’t let up from carrying on about it; Mrs. North had to keep scolding everyone to get back to work and the tittering never stopped for the rest of the day and even went on into the next. The other kids ran out at lunch time without you, calling you names on their way, pushing you, shoving you, and you trudged out of the room when almost everyone else had left, but came back when you thought it was empty. I knew you would, and I had waited for you. I was sitting at the front of the class on the teacher’s desk.”

“I remember. You had one foot up on the desk, and I could see your underwear under your skirt.”

“Of course you could see it. I wanted you to. You were cute with how shy you were, and I liked you.”

“You were picking at the scab on your knee.”

“Something else I wanted you to see about me.”

“It kind of scared me.”

“Uh huh. But not enough to make you leave. You stood there and scrutinized me hard as I flinched and picked and pulled away until I was bleeding from it again. I leaned back on my elbows, displaying myself to you, playing with the buttons on my blouse, making sure my skirt had scrunched all the way up and I asked you to kiss it and make it better and god bless you, you did. I knew right then and there that I loved you.”

“You made some interesting sounds that I didn’t understand at the time; I asked you if it hurt. Do you remember what you said to me?”

“Yes. I said I liked it when it hurt. And I saw what I wanted to see: your little pecker was standing straight out against your pants. I was prepared to be anything and everything to you for the rest of our lives right then and there. Those precious few seconds were all I got from you because do you remember what you said to me, you little dickwad?”

“I said…I said that was stupid.”

“No. You said I was stupid. You r-u-i-n-e-d it all. You turned out to be nothing but a judgmental little twerp who wasn’t worth my time. I loved you enough to reveal myself right then to you, and you threw it back at me as only a hateful child could. You proved who you were right there in front of the blackboard, and I quit caring. I told you to fuck off and die.”

“I had never heard the word before and didn’t know what that meant; I got a spanking at home for asking. You stormed out of the room and went out of your way to avoid me ever after that. The next year, you were in a different class.”

“And you still chased after me in the halls, puppy-dogging after me, wagging your little tail. You refused to understand that my being quiet when I wasn’t swearing at you was a clue you should leave me the fuck alone.”

“You hung out with people who were even meaner than you were. I never said much more than ‘hi, how are you’ that whole next year. I was courteous, I respected you and your privacy, and through it all, believe it or not, I cared. Deeply. But I did finally quit bothering you, as you repeatedly asked with ever-increasingly colorful metaphors when you weren’t throwing daggers at me. Until the last day of second grade: do you remember what happened?”


“Liar. You came up to me as we were all leaving school, right at the stroke of 4:00 o’clock, right out of the blue, and right there, in front of everyone, you asked me what I was going to do that summer, maybe we could see each other, and whose class would I be in the next year. You were nice to me; you said you hoped we’d be in the same class again.”

“I don’t remember that at all.”

“Lies, damn lies, and whore lies. I told you I was going back home, and wouldn’t be back. You turned away and hung your heard for about a second, and then reached back around and up and you put your arms around me, and kissed me. You whispered ‘Goodbye, Terry. I’ll miss you’ in my ear and kissed me again. I was completely stunned; it was all I could to to to simply watch you walk away from me, Susan.”

“Okay, so, I lied. I do remember. It doesn’t matter; you have fucked up every relationship you have ever had with every woman you have ever known because of a few seconds with a stupid seven year old girl that you somehow thought was still in love with you. You’re an idiot.”

“I suppose that’s one way to look at it. Except you looked back one last time before you vanished, and waved. I was late to the bus. If you hated me so much, why did you do that?”

She stammered. “You-you’ve always had an answer as to why.”

“In the end, you still wanted me to be there for you, despite what I know the bullies you said you were so enamored with did to you between classes, how they made you kneel before them, how they drug you into the boys room with them, how they put their hands in your clothes in front of everyone and made you say things about how much you loved them and how you would do anything for them, making you promise to fuck them all the god damn time.”

“Yeah, well, everyone has it rough. Did the little girl shock you when she went along with what the stronger boys wanted from her?”

“I have come to believe that you decided that your first thought about me was right, that you needed someone to have some hope in you above all other considerations.”

“We were only seven, motherfucker.”

“And I think you’re still out there somewhere, looking for me. Or someone like me. Someone with a little faith; faith in you.”

“N-no, I’m not—I hated you, remember?”

“Mmm hmm. It didn’t look like you hated me on that last day at all. I suppose we could say that your latest budding little dominant boyfriend put you up to it for one last slap in the face at the outsider, but the tear you shed when I told you I was leaving surprised even you; it wasn’t something you could fake. I’d seen you get hit and embarrassed and humiliated and made to do dirty things by the older ruffians and you could take all that in stride; nothing fazed you. You were unbelievably strong.”

“I-I’m not strong. I’m not a fighter. I’m what you want me to be, what you make me to be: I’m submissive. Fuck you.”

“One question. The name of that little girl wasn’t Susan. It was Lisa. So how is it you’re named Susan?”

“It’s your subconscious, Terry. You tell me.”

“I’d rather you did.”

The nude woman on my bed became enraged. “Fuck off and die, Terry. Just go ahead and jerk off, please: blow your head clean off this time, will ya, so I can go off and leave. Come on, do it. Bastard.”

I ignored her. “Lisa was pretty, the prettiest in class, hell, in school. She wore bobby socks and a plaid skirt, sometimes blue, sometimes red, always with a crisp white blouse. She had straight dark sandy brown hair down to where her breasts would someday come out to meet, she didn’t have glasses or braces and every guy I saw always took the time to ogle at her whenever she passed. I never saw her talk to a girl. She had a classically-constructed heart-shaped face which was perfectly symmetrical, high cheekbones, an ideal Greek nose, flat silent lips, wide deep-set cotton candy blue eyes to drown in; when she grew up, she was going to be an absolute knock-out. She always carried around a mournful expression like she had the weight of the world on her shoulders, like she had secrets that she wished she could tell but couldn’t dare say anything about: whatever they were, they were huge. For all I know, she was being abused at home; the toughs at school certainly did so and as I think back on it, I don’t think that—even at seven—she was virgin. I only saw her smile twice: the first time was when I went back into the classroom, and the last time I saw her. When she turned back to wave at me, she grinned from ear to ear. She waved hard. You don’t look like her and I don’t think you are just Lisa; yes, there’s a part of her in you, and there’s a part of you that is someone else, and there’s a part of you that is still another. I’m looking for someone and I haven’t found who I’m looking for; I don’t know what you look like because we haven’t actually met yet.”

“Which part of fuck off and die are you not getting, Terr?”

At that point, our conversation did do exactly that: I had nothing more to say, but much to wonder about, to fume about, to regret, and she mercifully turned around and shut up and watched TV and eventually pulled a blanket up to cover herself with.

Old habits die hard. Desire is not easily relinquished. My vice called, I decided I was going to make this work with or without her, and if need be, I could simply extort her into doing something I wanted. Maybe I could break some fingers on her; that was always fun, getting her to give me a hand job with broken hands.

“Don’t, Terry.” She didn’t look back at me.

For some reason I couldn’t quite nail down to something simple, I was angry with her. Perhaps it was all the disrespect she had been throwing at me, undoubtedly the frustration with my situation weighed hard, maybe the overall sense of rejection was finally settling in. Being rejected by your own dreams is almost as hard as being rejected by your own body, or by actual people. The universe was lining up against me. “Fuck you, and the horse you rode in on, Suzy. No, wait. Fuck you with the horse you rode in on. If you fucking move, I will execute you and resurrect you and execute you again until the cows come home, and make you remember it all, with extreme prejudice.”

“Please. I’ll say it. I’m sorry. Just, just, don’t. I don’t know how much more of it I can take.” Her head lolled; she may have prayed. I couldn’t see her face.

Like a spoiled little brat I didn’t stop because I believed it wouldn’t go bad, not this time, it was my head, my chimera, my life and I was going to be the master of my god damn domain, the king of my castle, and I moved what needed to be moved and I was going to make it happen this time and I had a hate-wank to get through and I would be back I am so over this and I believed, I believed, I believed and I told her to look look at me look at me now and she wouldn’t until the Huns charged with innumerable packs of ravenous wolves, all rampaging, howling, hellbent on looting, ravishing, raping and I was burned at my stake, the nightmare ran its course, god, I hated the Sixth Day, and Susan finally turned back and drooped her head at me when I was done and she had no comfort for me. She shrank. We’d never cuddled; there was never any aftercare between us.

I was out of tissues; Susan got up and came back with a warm wet washcloth from the bathroom. She cleaned me up, lingering on my diminishing, and when that little chore was over, she leaned over and kissed the end, the very tip of my cock and whispered something I couldn’t hear; she was reverent, gentle, respectful, everything I had ever taught her to be. When she withdrew from her supplication, she put the washcloth into her mouth and began to suckle it, see what I’m doing for you, I do care. It should have been nice, hot, sexy, but it didn’t do anything for me that time. I was disappointed. I turned away from what I would usually admire to pout, and when I looked back, the washcloth was gone and she was sitting on the end of the bed, trying to watch TV despite how much I knew she hated it I hated it why did I even have one of these things in here until I succeeded in first crying then ranting awhile against god against science against medicine against biology against women, who were all in dire need of Susan’s Horse. Death is deserved, and the universe got to hear me commit sentence on it, repeatedly, until I was tired of condemning it all, over and over and over again.

I was exhausted. She was more quiet than she ever was when I gagged her.

I eventually calmed down enough to set about reading myself to sleep—nothing like the Good Book to put me down, at least it’s good for something—what with all the frustration and anger and and and; we seemed to have run out of things to say to each other, gawd that was uncomfortable, and I had no interest in hitting her or making her do something to herself or even touching her. That was a first. The funny thing is, every other time I would catch her turning back to look at me—which she did a lot the rest of the evening—she visibly had to compel herself to quit smiling. She repeatedly denied it, no, please, I just want you to feel better. She wasn’t exactly laughing at me—her smile wasn’t evil or self-righteous or gotcha, it was it was something else—despite the ‘I told you so’ under her breath when I made a mess with the the the…shit, was that a a sneer, no, what was that, god, was that pity? Something happened in her I couldn’t discern, something that kept her there, I don’t know what I was seeing when I was so god damn successful with yanking off, when she would look at me with eyes I couldn’t see the color of, with lips I couldn’t define trembling at me. Fuck me. Fuck you. Fuck me. Fuck everyone. Fuck me. Please, Terry, please.


“YOU KNOW, you’re useless to me.”

“Mmm Hmm.” It was hard to talk with my mouth full.

“You can do this, but that’ll be all you’re good for.”

I continued to lick. It was 8:30 in the morning. Another witching hour.

“If you can’t put your cock in me and fuck me like the bitch you’ve made me, there’s not much reason for me to hang around. I should go and find me a real man, heh, heh.”

I ignored her, which became much easier to do after her thighs closed around my ears. I looked up from between her legs; she was ignoring me, too, off in Susan-land. I was on my back, and my own hands were where they started when this whole thing began, where they would find themselves an uncountable number of times throughout my day, all day, every day, yep, still got me a one-of-those. Damn near useless. She looked like she was still talking, probably cuckolding me, enjoying whatever little indignity she could invent about what a terrible person I was and how much she didn’t like me, and I didn’t care.

I slowed my assault on her down, and lightened up the pressure from my tongue, my lips, my teeth to somewhere down around barely. She shut up and tipped her head up to the ceiling. Her fingers found their way through the hair on top of my head. Her legs parted and her hands reached down behind the back of my head and pulled.


I let her pull and stopped moving everything from my neck up. My own hands were busy. Busy busy busy.

Her blessed breathing, the part I had been waiting for, billowed hard and moved her breasts the way I like to see breasts move, the way women who want you to see that they like you want you see, and she pulled my head up even harder, forcing her pussy further into my mouth.

“Get your tongue back to work.” I didn’t do anything. “Oh, god, please!” Susan the Succubus was rocking her hips against my face; I opened my jaw as far as it would go, and she ground herself, trying to snag her clit against my teeth, and I tentatively pushed my tongue against her labia, reaching to just inside her, stroking the top of the inside of her vulva, slowly, languidly massaging her, pulsing my lips and jaw shut a very, very little, suckling on her sex.

She thrashed above me, and made sounds. It was the sounds that got my own sex to respond, the idea that I was having an effect on her, I was overwhelming her, getting her to abandon herself to me that made me hard. I’m so predictable. Just like a man.

The pressure built up in my head, and I deliberately drove it back down, getting the blood vessels to relax a little before allowing the compression to rebuild, up and down, back and away, getting my own sensations to approach my head rerouted in from another direction, any other direction than straight up the middle. The pain would kick in and start to assert itself, and I would back away from it, mellowing it out, extending the process out, out-flanking myself, maneuvering my way the long way across the South toward the goal of the war, through the bayou, in through the woods, muskets armed, ready, be quiet, it’s a sneak attack, look out Atlanta, guerilla war-fuck-fare. I fired General Sherman. What could previously be gotten to in a couple minutes now took double that. Triple that. I masturbated for a good fifteen or twenty minutes, sixty, ninety, who could count from down here, under a woman, what with Susan screaming above me the whole time, before the momentum railroaded its way up—shit, Sherm, where’d you come from—and through and and and

Nothing. I came, I ejaculated, and…nothing. I didn’t feel the delirium the human species had evolved for, but I also didn’t feel the torment I had been languishing through of late, either. No joy, no ache, no rapture, no misery. It wasn’t peace. I was in…oblivion.


I had Flatliner-ed; there was no vaulting of heaven, but none of the troughing through hell, either, and I didn’t have the emotional wherewithal to know what to do with this new sense of Less Than Zero. Eternity took yet another long time. I noticed I could breathe again when Susan fell off me to the other side of the bed. She might have been talking to me; I really wasn’t paying attention to her.

The first thing I felt back on earth was pressure off on my side, release, pressure, on my surgery scars, pressure, release. She was nudging me. Gently. “Did you hear what I said?”

“Sorry. What?” The world re-accumulated around me and I was out of breath.

“I said I’m sorry. That was cruel of me.”

“I wasn’t listening.”

“Well, I was everything I shouldn’t be. I said horrible things to you, and I feel bad about it. Please, Terry, forgive me.”

“Yeah, sure. Whatever.” Pant pant pant.

“I mean it. You should take something out on me. String me up by my hair, or push some needles into me, put cigarettes out on me, whip me with your belt. You know. The stuff I like.”

She meant the things I like, but, who knows. Who the fuck knows. I changed the subject and decided I would be the one to say it. “I know why your name is Susan.”

Her contrite, quiet, shy demeanor flashed back into the arrogant Thing she had evolved into for just a moment. “Oh, this I have to hear.” Her head and her eyes rolled across the ceiling.

I laid back, sinking further onto the bed. She sat up beside me, leaned down and commenced licking up the sperm I had released, like she liked doing this sort of thing. She was an arrogant submissive hateful driven compliant obedient obligated drafted lover biding her time. Doing something I liked. She was giving.

“Old girlfriend. Suzy was something else. She came the first time I kissed her. It didn’t seem to matter what I did or didn’t do to her, she was always wet, she was always turned on. She was easily orgasmic; she came at the drop of a hat. I could take in her stony hazel eyes, her cherubic face with the lips that would never quite close, from across the room, and she would fall to her knees and scream out the way we want our women to scream when we’re trying to get them to cum. Didn’t even have to touch her.”

“Bullshit. She was faking it.” Lick suck kiss.

“Nope. It didn’t always work, but when it would, wow. She couldn’t fake an orgasm if she had to; she never needed to. She was a gusher. She was a good time. She told me I could do anything I wanted to her. Relentlessly. Anything at all.”

“Oh. So. Dream-come-true girl. So what happened?” Moan hum purr. Nothing.

“She wasn’t willing to contribute anything beyond the bedroom; she wanted to be a kept woman. As long as I could keep her living in the lifestyle she wanted, she would be my slave. Of course, she wanted nothing less than the penthouse suite and she had no intention of working a day for the rest of her life. When I finally told her I couldn’t do that for her, and what kind of a slave doesn’t work, she had some interesting colorful metaphors to render, to explain just how much she god damn hated me, and just how worthless I was. She called me up for months after we broke up, whenever she thought of a new one.”

Susan, my current Susan, stopped what she was doing and looked up at me. “Oh, fuck. Terry, I’m sorry.”

“You’re the same way. You want something I can’t give you; you want to be a real girl with the same fairy tale life. That’s why you’re Susan, that’s why when I gave you a voice, you became unpleasant. A part of you is the fake little conceited play-slave bitch from my past, there’s a part of you that is—yes—my mother who did things to me I can’t remember; you’re not just Lisa, who I really do still care about. You’re the specter I live with.”

She put her mouth back onto my cock, and began massaging the former center of my being with her lips, her tongue, scraping me with her teeth. I had just cum; I wasn’t hard and wouldn’t be for a while. The South was not going to rise again. It didn’t matter; her heart wasn’t in it. She was an automaton.

“You know it didn’t hurt this time.”

I couldn’t see her face and just the back of her head—her hair, hmmm, brunette, dark brown, almost mousey, I ran my fingers through it, soft—was all I could see. She pulled back and the wetness she had left on me sprang up and slapped my sex as the cold in the room hit, making me wither even further; she blew on my penis. She didn’t look back up at me; she watched me get smaller. She whispered, “I know. And I don’t know what I’m supposed to feel about that.”

“A real girl would be happy about that. That maybe I’m not really a eunuch after all.”

She sat up without a word. Susan/Lisa/Whoever got off the bed, stood and put her hands up to cover her mouth; she looked bereft and frightened in a way I had never seen before, like I had somehow finally found her wall, her limit, the end of all the rope I had given her, all the the the rope I had held her back with throughout all the months, the years, the decades. She bawled. Robo-tears. Human tears. Spiritual tears.


I KNEW what I was going to have to do; the door to my room opened, and a light shone in from the hall. It startled her; she turned toward it and looked back at me: I nodded. It was time. It took her a moment to understand before she turned away. She made for the exit she had been waiting for, the silly dream of a silly dream, deliberately taking smaller steps than necessary toward her goal, submissive steps, god, she was beautiful, and as she turned to look back for the last time, as she was finally leaving my room, walking out naked as she was from it, she took one hand off her face and gave a little wave. I never saw her again, but the tears left in her eyes—her beautiful brown eyes I could dive into, swim in, drown in—couldn’t even begin to hide it, let alone her good left hand.

She was grinning. From ear to ear.

Before the room got quiet and another oblivion called, I could hear her singing a song we used to sing together when we were kids that I never did get the words right to, across some unfathomable distance, across eons, lifetimes, seconds, fading. “Allelu. Allelu. Everybody sing Allelu.”
